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(A/N, the picture above is your uniform. Drew it my self~! ❤️)

"Alright, let's see what we got." King Dice mumbled while searching through a closet filled with so many different uniforms, named 'beginner'.

I looked around the decent sized room we were in. There were two other closets named 'regular' and 'expert'.
'I'm guessing those are for the people who have been here longer...' I thought to myself.
The walls were a dark red, nearly velvet, color. The chairs were white and the floor was a dark grey, a little charcoal looking. In the far right corner was two dressing rooms, one for men and the other was for women.
'Wow, this place is nice.'
"Ok darlin~ I got your uniform~" King Dice suddenly said, startling me a bit and causing me to jump.
He just laughed a bit and pulled out a normal looking casino uniform, except it had a huge bow tie. I smiled a bit as he handed it to me. He told me to get dressed and meet him back where we are. I nodded and walked into a dressing room. While getting dressed I was thinking about what he said earlier, 'Ok darlin~...' It made me blush anytime I thought about it... He doesn't...? No, we just met. There is no way he would. I got changed in peace but what I didn't know was who was in the dressing room next to me... watching...

I stepped out of the dressing room shortly after, fully changed. King Dice looked at me and smiled from the chair he was sitting in on the other side of the room.
"You look beautiful darlin~ Seems like it fits ya perfectly~" He cooed.
'There it is again! That stupid darlin thing!'
I blushed lightly and thanked him for the uniform and compliment.
"Of course~ Let me show ya around the place~" He offered.
I gladly accepted and we left the dressing room...

❤️Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying the story! Also, tell me if I should add more of my drawings into the chapters! And no you won't know who that creeper (awww man) in the dressing room. Not yet at least~ Thank you for reading my lovelies~! See ya soon!❤️

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