7 days of Hell

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(Y/n)'s POV

I stopped walking and I felt Giyuu bump his head at the back of my head and I blush a bit. I shake my head focusing again I sniffed for abit and the strong smell flowers had struck my nose.

Its wisteria..

"Ah , we're close" I stretch my back now full of energy, I raise my thumb as a thank you to Giyuu who was just pushing me earlier. He nods in response, which normally he would ignore me.

He nodded..cute

I slap my face as I push away my thoughts, Sabito smirked at me knowing my little crush on Giyuu and he gives me thumbs up, cheering on me.

I look away and blush as I knew he was teasing me his face showed 'You suck at flirting'. We continued walking and was met with a flight of stairs and a ton wisteria had showed itself.

The soft purple shade made me feel at ease and the smell was nice.At the last step I could see people looking at us as we walked. It was already afternoon, the sun had started to set and an eerie feeling be falls upn everybody including me.

Night time.. is when they lurk

I gulp as I felt the nervousness come back.I  sat down on a rock on the ground, trying to calm myself down. Breathing steadily, once I had it under control I lean my cheek waiting for it to start, but I felt eyes on me which was such weird feeling. I look around and every eye I saw was looking at me.

Theres so many..but why am I the only girl?

I look around and indeed all of the people here were male except for me, the nervouness had hit me again but differently this time. I started to feel uncomfortable as alot of stares were still on me

"Oi, theres a girl"

"She looks cute"

"Wonder if shes gonna last"

Whispers erupted in the air as I felt more uncomfortable I stare at the ground avoiding their eyes. I fidget around and I look up again to meet with a stranger's eyes and he winked at me.


"You okay (Y/n)?" Sabito asks me and I just nod Giyuu suddenly stood infront of me lifting his hand, the cloud pattern on his sleeve was covering me. He moves infront of me now covering me with his back, he crosses his arm and he turns his head to look at me.

He looks at me with ' Are you ok?' look My eyes widen as I realize what he was doing, I look away avoiding his eyes, ny heart thumps.

He's hiding me..

I peek again and blush and Sabito just glared at the people who whispered and they shut up, I smile as these two tried to made me comfortable.

Giyuu was still covering me, even though his clothes were loose his broad shoulders was visible. A crow suddenly caws and started to circle around the whole area, everybody seemed to notice as they left their heads up to look at it.

"Welcome To the Final Selection, tonight you will prove yourselves if you worthy of The Demon Slayer Corps" The crow started talking and everybody had bursted into another session of whisper.

"There demons that roam on this mountains but because of the wisterias they cannot leave, but beyond here there are no wisterias" I look at the wisterias around us

"You must survive for seven days , now be on your way" The crow leaves and we started to walk towards beyond the wisterias.

This stench.. I look at Sabito and Giyuu and nod, I hold both of their hands trying to be strong.

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