One: The (Ex) Step Brother → h.s

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A/N - I'm probably going to make this a full-length once I get the time so message me if you'd like to write it first. x 

**Hazel Jean-Winchester is tired of moving schools every time her dad gets transferred; and tired of having to live with random kids every time her dad gets married. (Oh, it happens a lot)

Four divorces and 10 schools later, Hazel finds herself enrolled in McKenzie Darwin High, home to soon-to-be best friends, and none other than the very first step-brother she ever had - Harry Edward Styles.**

Dear Hazel Jean-Winchester, welcome to McKenzie Darwin High! Enclosed in this envelope is your copy of the official Student Guide, your new timetable, and a key to your locker! If you have any questions, feel free to pop in at the office - and if you feel overwhelmed by the new environment, don't feel shy to ask a Student Council Member for help!

Have a great term and year,

Principal Dennis Darwin


Hazel sighed. Another year, another town, another school. This would be the 10th school she'd attended in all her 15 years of life, no joke.

Of course, her dad had promised her that this would be the last move and that she had time to settle down and actually make friends this time. She was a little apprehensive about that, though, for her ex-step-brother currently studied here (probably why she was here too) and he wasn't exactly a sugar plum fairy.

But realizing she had no other choice, she stuck her hand into the envelope, leaned against a locker in the empty corridor, and proceeded to read the rules and regulations.

"'Ello, I'm Abby, are you new here?"

A high-pitched Irish voice called out from behind her, and Hazel started. Barely 15 minutes into school and she already had someone introducing themselves. Not bad, Hazel.

"Er, yeah, nice to meet you. I'm uh, Hazel. Hazel Jean-Winchester."

Abby smiled, and extended an obviously manicured hand. Hazel stared at her, then quickly shook her hand because evidently that's what people here did.

"The pleasure's mine, Hazel. Which class do you have first?" 

Abby peered at the schedule in Hazel's hand, her long auburn hair tickling the hand clutching the piece of paper.

"Oh you take History too! That's in room number 41, right over there," Abby declared, pointing in some vague direction. Seeing the confusion on Hazel's face, she added, "You're with me, so don't worry about gettin' lost, alright? Now come on, I'd like you to meet some people."

Without waiting for a response, Abby linked her arm through Hazel's and dragged her off as the first bell of the morning rang.

Okay then.


"Miss Winchester?"

Hazel had made it through her first three days intact; Abby had stayed true to her word and had introduced her to a bunch of preppy rich-kid-types whose names were so similar she was sure she wouldn't be able to tell them apart.

And now, here she was, in fourth period Biology, trying to stay awake, wondering what Year 13 students did all day because she hadn't found Harry yet. 


Mrs Hayes sighed, and gestured at a diagram of the human digestive system.

"I asked you if you knew what this part is called."

"Oh, um, that's the duodenum, Mrs Hayes,"

Satisified with her answer, the biology teacher continued her lecture, not knowing that her newest student had zoned out once more.

"Psst. Hazel."

Hazel's eyes snapped open - had she really been falling asleep? - and she turned around. One of the girls Abby had introduced her to was seated behind her, and she was wearing a look of utmost curiosity. Hazel racked her brains for the other girl's name but nothing came to mind.

Damn it. 

"Er, yeah?"

"Jessie told Kelly who told Andrea that you're Harry Styles' step-sister. Is that true?"

For once, Hazel was lost for words. 

"That's a lot of people with a lot of similiar sounding names, but um, he's my ex step-brother."

The girl's eyes widened. "But you were siblings at some point?"
Hazel nodded, confused. She didn't know where this was going, but she had a feeling it wasn't anywhere good.
"Then I'd like to ask you for a huuuuge favour-"

She was right.

"You want me to tell him to take you to prom? On a date? Get married? Sorry, but we're not close. We don't talk. I haven't even seen him the whole two months I've been living here. You have the same chances of him listening to you as I do."

She turned away, and continued the doodle in her notebook, trying to count the number of times she'd had girls like these ask her for 'favours'.

The other girl wasn't done yet, though.

"Psst. Hazel! That's not what I wanted to ask you-"

Mrs Hayes looked up reproachfully.

"Delia, it would be great if you could keep your talking for outside the classroom. You are in Year 11 now, Miss Johnson. Act your age."

Delia. So that's her name.

"Mrs Hayes , I was asking her a doubt 'Cause there's this concept I don't really get, yeah? And well Hazel was helping me out-"

"As much as I appreciate the fact that Miss Winchester pays enough attention to help not only herself but others too, I would prefer it if you could ask me your doubts. After all, what am I here for?"

Hazel tried not to smirk.

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