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(A/N art in this chapter does not belong to me. All credit goes to original artists/ owner.)

Ink's POV

Tears streamed down my face as I curled myself into a ball more. The voices screamed in my head, growing louder by the second.

"Ğøõđ for ńöţhïņğ. Ńœ wóńđəř əvëřýøņè hæťé§ ýøų"

"N-no they don't, everyone loves me"

"Ýœų řəáļľý æřé §ťůp!đ, ńøőńə ļœvə§ ýóű. Ť#ěý łővĕ 'Íńķ, ťhê çřəáťøŕ' ñóț 'Įńķ, ťhə whìńý ľįťţļə §øůļəşś đï§åppóīńməñţ'"

". . ."

'Their right about that'

"Ýəèťű§ đéęťůş, ýœü §høùļđ jùšť ćőmmïť šęļf đəļĕťűş"

".  .  ."

'Maybe I should. It's not like I'm really needed. I'm sure Dream and Blue can protect the AUs. Plus, Error will definitely stop destroying at some point. Then everything will be peaceful. Maybe it's for the best that I do-'

"Døñť ĺï§ťəñ ťø ťhəm !ñķ¡? Pəøpļę ñęèđ ýøů æñđ ïm §ůřə ťhéřə æřə pəópļé whø wøúļđ ļøvə ýœů føř whø ýőų æřə ïf ýøų jůşť œpęñěđ ůp ťø ťhəm."

"Wøw, ťhī§ īš šømə qůæļïťý đřâmă řïģhť həřę. *munching noises* bůť Ī hævę ťø æğřęé, *mouth half full* §ůïćįđę šőļvę§ ñøťhïñğ"

"That's true...I'll probably cause more trouble than solve anything"

'I better start painting, before the paint wears off'

Slowly unwrapping some of the blankets, I reached forward

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Slowly unwrapping some of the blankets, I reached forward. Grabbing Some paper, I started to sketch. Tears Fell from my eyes and my wrists felt itchy. All I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and die. I started to hiccup as more tears rolled down my cheeks. My eyes were starting to feel sore.

After sketching 5 pictures, I started painting them. Hand shaking, tears fell onto the paper. Using my tears like water, I mixed the paints and started painting. Time slowed down. Every second was agonizing, the itching on my wrist growing bigger.

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