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Annie's POV
I wake up on Tuesday morning and I go get ready and wear this and do my hair like this.

Annie's POV I wake up on Tuesday morning and I go get ready and wear this and do my hair like this

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After I finish getting ready I go downstairs and Hayley's watching tv and texting her friend

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After I finish getting ready I go downstairs and Hayley's watching tv and texting her friend.
"Annie can you drive me and Coco to school?" She asked
"Sure what's her address?" I said as I made breakfast
She told me her address and I made food the both of us. After we ate we got in my car and picked up Coco . Then I dropped them off at there school then went to school. Once I got to school I saw Jayden and Indi standing bye my locker.
"Hey" I say unlocking my locker
"Annie come on" Jayden said
"Yea the pep rally starts soon Riley and Anna saved us seats" Indi said
"Alright let's go" we walked to the gym and go sit on the bleachers with Riley and Anna. Every year there's a pep rally in October and the cheerleaders perform and the Coris performs its a whole thing. I sit down and see Asher sitting with Matt and Will. They used to be friends with Hayden then broke off after we got to high school. There pretty cool i guess. After the rally it was lunch it took up 2 class periods. Me, Jayden, Riley, Indi and Anna went to Starbucks for lunch. Yes that's aloud at my school you have to have your id and sign out. My cousin works at Starbucks so I get a family discount. After we get back from Starbucks it's chem and music.
Skip to 5:30 after school
It's 5:30 I need to start to get ready. I hop in the shower then do my natural makeup. And do my hair like this and wear this

 And do my hair like this and wear this

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When I finished getting ready it was 6:50 so Ash was on his way

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When I finished getting ready it was 6:50 so Ash was on his way. I'm in my room putting on my shoes and he texts me.
"Hey gorgeous on my way😏"
I smile at the text. And a couple minutes later I hear Hayley yell.
"Annie your dates here!"
I go downstairs and see Hayley and Asher in the door.
"Bye Hay" we walk to his car and he opens the door for me.
"You look gorgeous" he said as he backed out of my driveway
"You do look to bad yourself" i smiled
"Will you tell me where we're going?" I asked
"Nope that's a surprise" he smirked playfully
After 20 minutes we pulled up to this fancy restaurant called Italiano's Italian cuisine. When we get in we go to the reception counter and Ash says.
"Reservation for Angel"
They showed us to the table then we ordered. I got lasagna and Asher got a burger. We ate and right before we left Asher said this.
"Anns can I ask you something?"
"Um yeah what's up"
"So I've had a lot of fun with you these past few weeks and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend"
"I would love to be your girlfriend"
Asher paid then we left. He dropped me at my house then he went home. When I got I hoped in the shower quickly then did my homework then went to bed.

Hey hope y'all liked chapter 7 tell me what ya think
Word count: 556

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