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Skip to October 31
Annie's POV
I wake up on Halloween and go get ready for the day. Later after school me and the girls and the guys are going to a Halloween party at Carson's. I get ready and wear this (pic in heading) I curl my hair then make sure Hayley's up and make breakfast. Then drive us to school.
Skip to lunch
At lunch I sit with Jayden, Mads, Indi, Anna, Asher, Matt, Will, Armani and Carson.
"Jay when's your birthday?" Matt asked
"Tomorrow why?" Jayden respond
"Are you gonna be in school?" Armani asked
"No where taking her to Disney" Mads said
"Without us" Asher said playfully
We finished lunch then went to class.
Skip to after school at Indis house
Jayden picks me up then we go to Indis to get ready. Once we got to her room we remembered she changed her room and this is what it looks like.

 Once we got to her room we remembered she changed her room and this is what it looks like

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We started started blasting music and getting ready. We did group costumes this is what we choose.

(Picture That with 5 girls)After we got ready we drove to Carson's

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(Picture That with 5 girls)
After we got ready we drove to Carson's. When we got there and Jayden went and grabbed me a drink. With in a hour I was drunk as hell. I remember getting walked upstairs then it was just a blur.
Asher's POV
I go up to Jayden and ask
"Hey have you seen Annie?"
"I think I saw her go upstairs" she said
I nod and head upstairs I go to Carson's room nobody's there. Then I go to his parents room and before even walking in I hear.
"GET OFF ME" I couldn't really tell who it was but the words where slurred and she seemed really upset. I walk in and see Annie yelling in a panic and I see Hayden on top of her.
"GET OFF HER!!" I yell
"Why do you care?!" Hayden said
Before I could answer Hayden screamed and got up.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" He screamed
"I told you to get of me!" Annie said annoyed
Hayden walked out annoyed and Annie was sitting on the bed.
"What happened" I said as I sat down next to her
"I got really drunk and he tryed to rape me" she explained. I roll my eyes annoyed at him then look at what she's wearing and smile.
"What?" She asked
"You look gorgeous no you look sexy" I winked. She smiled at me in that adorable way she does. I winked then we made out. When I was kissing her neck I quickly got up and locked the door. Then I went back over to her and unhooked her bra and took her shorts and underwear off. Then she took my shirt off and my pants and underwear off. Then she started giving me soft kisses all over then she started kissing my neck. I winked grabbed her butt and started her kisses her everywhere. Then she wrapped her leges around me and we had a little make out. A couple hours go by and Annie gets a text.
Annie's POV
I check the text
Beach babes
Indi: where are you Anns
Annaaa: we have to go
Madss: come on Annie
Anns: be down in a few
"Ash I have to go tomorrow's Jayden's birthday and where ditching school and going to Disney" I said
"Awwwww Ok I love you" he said disappointed
"Love you more" I said getting dressed
"Not possible" he said putting his clothes on
We get dressed then go downstairs all the girls are standing by the door. Indi points and me and Asher then the stairs.
"What did you kiddos do?" She asked
"Yea you don't wanna know" I said
"Ok let's get out of here" Jayden said
Jayden drove me home.

Hellooooooo hope y'all liked this chapter if ya did tell me in the comments :)
Word count: 646

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