[ Requested ] A price for love ( Derby Harrington x Reader! )

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Y/N came from a poor family. Ever since her father's death, her mother was struggling to gather money all by herself. Y/N hoped to attend a favorite school she's been eyeing on but instead she and her little brother Alex got dropped in bullworth due to her mom couldn't pay for a fancy school and such.

It was Y/N and Alex's first day, they were standing in front of the gate. Alex looked up at her and gave her hand a squeeze. Y/N looked down and smiled "We'll be okay." she signed. Y/N's brother is a disabled, he's deaf meaning he can only respond with sign language and nods or head shakes.

After dropping Alex to his class, Y/N went to hers. She opened the door and walked in, going to her seat in a corner. While taking out her books, she spotted a group of boys not so far from her seat. They wore some light blue vests, and some fancy accessories. One of them was sitting on a table, talking to the other two. He had blonde hair brushed neatly, light blue vest like the other two, and a gold watch on his wrist. Y/N couldn't help but stare, he really was good looking. The boy looked back at her and flashed a confident smile. Y/N blushed and quickly looked down to her lap. "Who are you smiling at, Derby?" one of them asked. "So... Derby huh...? Nice name indeed." Derby smirked a little and pointed at Y/N "The girl." that was the only thing she can hear before he started speaking quietly to them. When the bell rang, the two walked over to her and grabbed her bag "Move. You're not sitting here." the brunette male said. The other one was already placing her bag in a seat in front of Derby's. "H-huh? But I..." she hasn't even finished but the boy was already dragging her to her new seat. She awkwardly sat down, confused by the sudden change. " Helloo sunshine~" a voice greeted. Of course it was Derby's. Y/N was too shy to even respond, so she stayed silent. During the class, Derby was the first one to finish his essay. He tried getting her attention and talked to her, but so far nothing. After getting ignored for the past few minutes, he finally gave up and sighed in defeat, resting his head on the table while his hand was twirling her hair in his finger "C'mon, I'm getting tired. Are you even gonna tell me your name or nah?" still a little bit shy but excited, Y/N whispered quietly "Y/N...Y/N L/N..." hearing her words, Derby slowly lifted his head looking at her with a wide grin "Derby... Harrington." During lunchtime, Y/N and Derby were the only ones in class. Turned out he's not that bad and Y/N starting to relax a bit around him. They were talking and laughing until a girl with a dark brown hair with the same vest as his, stormed in and walked towards them "Derby! 15 minutes late! What are you doing here, huh?? I'm waiting for you!" Derby groaned in annoyance and rolled his eyes, getting up from his seat "Listen here, PINKY." he said, making such a mocking face when saying her name. "I'm so over you. And, we're cousins. It just can't work." he explained, crossing his arms. "Oh? Well guess what. I'm NOT breaking up with you!" Derby huffed and looked down for a while before looking back up with that infamous cocky smirk of his "But I have a girlfriend now." he said pulling Y/N close to his chest. "G-girlfriend...?" Y/N didn't say anything, she just blushed furiously at the fact that Derby was so close to her that she could actually feel his heartbeat. "What?! You're dumping me for this peasant?? She's not even beautiful, and I'm sure she's not as rich as I AM!" Y/N's heart broke a little hearing those, she looked down and frowned. Seeing this, Derby gritted his teeth but still decided to play it cool. He gently ran a hand over her eyes then pointed a middle finger at pinky. After that, he took Y/N's hand and walked away from her, leaving her shouting his name behind.

Derby has brought her to a restaurant in old bullworth vale to calm her down a little, after the words Pinky just darted at her. "Order anything if you want." he said with a small smile as he handed her the menu. Y/N's eyes lit up a bit as a soft smile was forming on her lips, she took out a small purse then gently shoved the menu back to Derby, looking down to her feet "I-i... Don't have any money..." Derby who was holding his head because of the headache Pinky just gave him, looked at her with a hint of sympathy. "Don't worry, I'll pay." he said giving her a light pat on her head. Derby's usually arrogant and doesn't care about anyone but himself and his group, but Y/N... She made him wanna care for her. Y/N smiled brightly and nodded, ordering some Mexican food for them. "Derby, say ahh!~" she giggled, holding up a spoon for him. Derby blinked in confusion but then just shrugged and opened his mouth for her. After done eating, derby was looking out the window uncomfortably while fidgeting his fingers "Are you okay...?" Y/N asked. He turned to her and tilted his head "No. I'm not O fucking Kay! There's a lot going on y'know?? I'm having a conflict with myself and I don't know what the hell I should do and I'm-" seeing him freaking out all of a sudden, she cupped his cheeks and smiled shyly "It's okay, Derby. Calm down." he looked into her eyes and sighed "This sounds nonsense but...i like you. Like a lot. I know we just met, but I meant what I said earlier! I-i mean... I wish, uhh... Can we? Will you?" he stuttered. She smiled and gave him a soft kiss on his lips "I don't see why not."

And that was it. The beginning of a blooming love story. Y/N gave him a chance and they actually made a perfect match. She was grateful to met him, he showed her things she never knew, places she never been, bought her things she never thought she would have. Derby even willing to learn sign language so that he can understand and communicate with Alex.

"If there's a thing such as a price for love... My price would be happiness. I don't need fancy things when happiness is what I rarely get." - Y/N.

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