Silence and Suffering

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Mina's POV

I couldn't believe that: A) Deidara got his arm sewn back on (where the hell did he find his arm in the first place?) and B) I got caught up in the heat of sex. You might be wondering about the second statement that I just made. The blonde bastard assaulted me again. I learned that men hit their sexual peak in their twenties and girls, like me, didn't hit theirs until their thirties. Just a random fact...NOT. If I recalled correctly, Deidara was nineteen-he was the youngest member of the Akatsuki member throughout the entire series. I knew that he was forced into the organization at a young age by Itachi after failing to beat the Sharingan user in a fight. It definitely explained his hatred for the eldest Uchiha, that's for sure. I would much rather be hated by the blonde rather than be molested by him. Hatred was an emotion that I could deal with rather easily. I was used to it, damn it!

Damn suppressors. I thought.

I muffled all of my screams as he continued to assault me. If it wasn't for the gag in my mouth, I would have preferred to scream in order to cover up the strange and pleasurable sensations that I was feeling right now. No wonder girls my age often sneaked off with I needed to stay focused. I truly believed that the blonde was having his way with me just so he could break me. I wasn't going to let him have that satisfaction. My father already tried that kind of stunt with me and failed. I wasn't going to let this idiot succeed with me either. I didn't give a damn if he was part of a powerful criminal organization. I just gave him my best glares that I could muster, only for him to laugh at me.

"So amusing." Deidara said.

He started to choke me. I struggled to get out of his grip, but to no avail. My vision was starting to go dark. At least with darkness and unconsciousness, I wouldn't feel a thing. It wouldn't change the fact that I was tarnished goods, but since father pretty much told me what to expect, I wasn't expecting anyone to touch me...not that I planned for anyone touch me. I already resigned myself to a life of solitude. I had friends, yes, but spiritually, I was alone and prepared myself to face such loneliness.

The bastard finally got his fill of me and got off of me, his hands leaving my neck. I imagined all kinds of torture that I wanted him to go through. I hoped that he met with such torture in Hell. It was a place where he and most of my enemies belonged. The medical nin came back into my cell to change all of my bandages and he sighed when he realized what had happened. He must have seen Deidara leaving the cell. I simply frowned before making my face blank. Achieving this mask took years of abuse and mistreatment. Using this mask helped me cope with all of the dark and unwanted feelings that I was dealing with.

"Suppressing your feelings will not do you any good." The medic nin suddenly said.

I was kind of surprised. He usually never spoke to me, but he did have a valid point. Suppressed feelings would just lead to more difficult times ahead, but for me, suppressing my feelings would just give me away to the Akatsuki. No, I needed to be strong. I could always cry later and when I was alone. For now, I needed to survive and if suppressing my feelings was beneficial to my survival, then so be it. I would keep my true feelings in the dark. I was a kunoichi after all and kunoichis needed to be strong. Yes, I was raped and that was something I couldn't change. However, I knew that I could change my future. Hell, I already did it once already by showing up here in the Narutoverse. If I could do it once, then I could certainly do it again. But how? That was the one million dollar question.

"You're right," I said. "However, in situations like this, it is best to be silent and suffer."

"You sound like you've dealt with abuse before."

I said nothing, but that was an answer to the medic nin. No words were actually needed. They were simply understood. We remained silent as he changed my bandages.

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