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Louis shut the bedroom door softly and ran a hand through his feather-like hair. "Harry..." He whispered. I opened an eye and peeked at him through the corner of it. His crystal blue eyes shimmered and danced with excitement. His features were more pronounced under the soft glow of the lamp on the bedside table. He grinned from ear to ear as he took a few light steps to the bed before sinking into the soft, fluffy blankets.

He started to stroke my hand, and goosebumps rose on every inch of his skin. Louis' touches were light and dainty. I grabbed his hand and scooted him closer to me so he was almost sitting in my lap. Was I really going to do this to him? He inched his forehead closer to mine until they touched. I closed my eyes as his lips met mine, and they felt so soft and beautiful.

He grabbed my face and I could feel the passion within the kiss, I hoped that I was returning it to him. His hands roamed my back as I played with the buttons on the front of my plaid shirt. "Let's get this off." He breathed, barely audible. He snapped open the buttons and threw the shirt on the floor. "I'm not the only one..." I teased him as I played with the hem of his shirt. He chuckled as he whipped his off in a matter of seconds.

He was perfect. I mean, it's not like I haven't seen him without a shirt on before it's just... Wow. He looked magical, like straight out of one of those Hollister ads. No, Harry, don't get attached. I thought bitterly to myself, but I couldn't help it. He was so beautiful, almost like a magical being. His toned abs were shiny from sweat from the heat of the moment we had just had. I could already feel the nervous butterflies starting to wake in my stomach. Wait, I didn't like Louis... Did I?

I ran my hands up his chest, and his breath hitched. "Harry..." He whispered again. He liked what i was doing. A pang of guilt and shame shot into my hip. He trailed his hands down my own chest, now. I could feel the butterflies starting to fly faster as pleasured my nipple. He got to the seam of my jeans, and started playing with the button. "May I?" He begged. I bit my lip in a flirty way and nodded. He immediatly tore off my pants so I was sitting next to him in my boxers.

"Again, Louis, I'm not going to be the only one in my boxers, am I?" I teased again. His eyes lit up as he removed his pants and boxers. I could tell from one peek at his memebr that he was very into this. I could feel myself getting very into it, too. I didn't want to take off my boxers and show him that I really did enjoy this, but I had no choice.

After I had stripped, Louis basically attacked me with lust in his ocean eyes. He pinned me down to the bed, and resumed kissing me. He bit and sucked on my bottom lip, but I didn't let him in. He whined and gave up in trying to enter my mouth with his tongue. Instead, he moved down my neck and nibbled on my sweetspot, at the bottom of my neck. I moaned, and he smiled knowing that I had liked it.

Louis attacked my lips again, more hungrily this time. He grasped the skin on my back, hard. I yelped softly. "Sorry!" He gasped, but I brought him back to my face. I shushed him. He grabbed my back again, but this time flipped us around so that I was on top of him. He grabbed my dick and put it near his ass. I shook my head but he pushed me in. A look of pain and horror flashed across his face, and I tried to pull out. "Louis, we really don't have-"

"No." He said sternly, but he was shaking, "I-I want to." I shrugged and kept going. His moans of ache turned into pleasure. His back arched as I shoved myself deeper inside of him. He started to moan louder and louder, so I thrusted even deeper until I could almost feel his insides.

"Louis," I groaned. As I kept thrusting into him, he started to trace an invisable pattern around my nipples, making this experience all the more pleasurable. I moaned louder when he bent over, nibbling the bottom of my neck. I felt my hips buckle even though I was still inside of him. I pretty sure he felt it too because he started to swivel his hips. I felt mine buckle again as he swiveled again.

I moaned again as Louis ran his hands down my sweaty, slick abs. "Fill me, Harry," He groaned as he clenched around me, "Fill me with your large dick." He smirked, but it didn't last long as he started to come. I felt him clench around me as he was overcome with pleasure. His screams and moans made me subcome to pleasure as well.

When we had finished with our similtanious orgasims, I pulled out and we laid next to each other in the soft bed. We were still naked, so I could feel all of him against me. He nibbled on my earlobe and his sky blue eyes smiled along with his face. I couldn't help smiling as well. He was infectuous. If he felt one way, I felt the same way. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he whispered three little words in my ear.

"I love you."

How did we get to this point?

Written by pony747

Dare Me [1D fanfic by pony747 and kenzielove3]Where stories live. Discover now