-Chapter 3- | Unfortunately No Coffee Tonight |

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~Virginia 2:45~

A silent shadow glides along the edge of a cliff making his way to the far edge where he positions himself with his sniper rifle, a silenced Ruger 10/22 rifle to be exact.

 Crouching, he leveled his gun at the four men who were patrolling the front side of the building. Quickly and proficiently he shot them, and down they went dropping like flies. 

The building he would have to enter and escape was an extremely high tech place, with top-notch security which would make anyone attempting to infiltrate this near fortress turn tail and run. But this man wasn't just anyone, oh no. Nothing could be further from it, this man was a top-notch assassin capable of infiltrating nearly any building no matter the location or the amount of security.

The man rose from his crouching position, onyx eyes glinting in the moonlight underneath his curtain of hair. He casually begins picking his way down the cliffside, as casually as a student would walk to school in the morning despite the 400-meter drop below.  The chilly night air causing his breath to become visible in the dark night sky. Trees capped with a light dusting of snow, the cliff ledge sprinkled with little slabs of ice some with icicles hanging off the ledges.

It was a full moon today perfect for unseen movement. Moving like a wraith he made his way towards the tall cold wrought iron gate. Instead of attempting to force his way through the gate the man simply glanced at it shaking his head. Approaching the wall he began to climb. If anybody were to look, it would appear as if there were a large shadow-like a spider making its way up the walls. In less than 10 seconds the man had already heaved himself over to the other side landing lightly on the balls of his feet.  Making his way toward the large oak tree place quite conveniently next to one of the sides of the large military-based structure. Quickly leaping from branch to branch he landed right beside a large window leading to the sleeping quarters. 

Silently unscrewing the windows he crept in, glancing at each of the sleeping men he nodded mentally. The six men were sound asleep the man slid out a small dagger made for killing. Silently padding over to each bed he proceeded to "slit their throats", one by one they fell into an everlasting sleep. 

The man exited the room stepping into each camera's blind spot occasionally adjusting a piece of the reasonably sparse furniture in the halls. Sometimes tilting a mirror to the side to avoid being seen. In rare cases when there were no blind spots tampering a bit with the programming causing the security cameras to loop. 

Spotting one of the targets he was looking for snaking up behind him he clapped his hand over the soldier's mouth thrusting his dagger in from behind pushing down, cutting his vocal cords and back, cutting off his air supply. Letting the dead man fall to the ground he continued onward, making his way to the control room. Upon reaching it he rapped on it sharply before stepping to the side and waiting on the right side of the doorway.

A man in his early fifties opened the door. "Do you have my coffee?! Do you know how hard it is to pull these all-nighters!" The older man's eyes widened upon seeing the assassin leaning against the door casually as if just waiting for a friend. The man smiled "Nice to finally meet you though I'm afraid we won't have time to sit down and chat." The older man didn't move despite knowing his life was in jeopardy, he simply couldn't. He stood fixated staring into the shadowy man's eyes, the way a predator draws in its prey. The last thing he said was his killers' eyes as cold and empty as the abyss. The man peered down at him whilst slipping a rose into the commander's front pocket.

After making sure his last victim was dead, he proceeded back down the route he came from. Upon reaching the cliff he heard a loud piercing alarm. Smirking mentally he began the quick climb up the cliff, watching from above as chaos ensued down below due to someone finding the body of the dead soldier lying in the hallway. 

He nodded, another job well done. Turning on his heel he left leaping from one rock to another, disappearing into the night. The only thing that indicated he had ever been there were the corpses he left behind in his wake.

Fear not the name of the Reaper...

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