two lions in the rain

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doppo x reader + little parts of hifumi

lowercase , spaced punctuation , 18+

word count : 1,844

[ y / n ] your name 

you were waiting for doppo to get home , you've been doppo's girlfriend for 3 years now and you guys have been happier together than ever . of course , both of you were still virgins and never really thought about having sex anytime soon , you guys were just focused on the loving and happy times together instead of anything sexual but tonight was going to be different .

you were sitting at his apartment , it was currently around 9pm and you started to wonder when would he get home , maybe his boss is harsh on him again so , you sent him a text saying , " baby , i'm at your apartment , i hope you're not overworking yourself . let's have a late night dinner when you get home and watch a movie , do well ! i love you " you sent the message and ten minutes passed , no response , you thought to yourself , " my boyfriend is such a hardworking man , i really hope he gets home and gets a break soon " you sigh .

three hours pass , it was 12am and you were slowly dozing off but you try to wake yourself by smacking both your cheeks then you hear the door open and close , you stood up getting ready for doppo but it turned out to be hifumi .

he walked into the living room and saw you then questioned , " well , hello kitten , what are you doing here ? " he knew you and doppo were in a relationship so , he wouldn't do anything to you but that's what you think , you never saw hifumi in his host mode before but you snap out of your thoughts and answered him , " i'm just waiting for doppo to come home , why are you home so early ? " he answered back , " well my little kitten , the boss let me out early since there weren't any customers coming in but why isn't doppo home yet ? " you replied back , " he's still working . " hifumi nodded and as you sat back down , he sat right next to you .

you gave him a questioning look but he just smirked while eyeing you up and down , you ignored him then got back to going on your phone . minutes passed with awkward silence , hifumi snatched your phone out of your hand and suddenly said , " kitten , doppo isn't going to be here anytime soon so , give me company , won't you ? " he pouted and you shot him a disgusted look , " hifumi , you know i'm dating doppo " he ignored you and suddenly slowly stroked your thighs , up and down .

you shuddered as he made his way up to your breasts , you whimpered as he whispered , " i forgot you were a virgin my princess , doppo hasn't given you it yet , no wonder you're so sensitive . it's really adorable . " you didn't respond , you try to move away until he slowly pinned you down on the couch .

he kissed your cheeks , you averted your eyes , your heart was pounding , the room was so quiet that you and hifumi could hear it , " don't worry kitten , calm down , i'll take good care of you " he slowly kissed down your neck all the way to your breasts . he groped them while kissing your lips and you didn't refuse , you knew you were making a huge mistake but your body wasn't controlling itself .

he squeeze your boobs harshly , you gasped letting his tongue in your mouth , your tongues were against each other , you pulled away with saliva mixed together on both your guys tongues . he looked at you and smirked , he gave you one last peck and moved on your neck , he started slowly kissing then slowly started sucking . the door opened but you guys didn't hear , you guys were in your own little world , hifumi pulled away and he left a little hickey , " beautiful " he whispered as he pulled you into another kiss .

" hifumi ? y / n ? " hifumi pulled away and you both looked at the man that was standing upon you two , it was doppo . he looked so shocked and confused , you got up , " doppo , it isn't what it looks like " he didn't respond , he was close to tearing up .

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