once in awhile

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ichiro x reader

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word count : 1991

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" oi oi oi oi , let's get this party starteddddddddd , " ichiro slurred with one bottle of alcohol in his hand and the other pointing at his classmates . it was his 21st birthday and his friends wanted to throw him a party but they didn't realize he was such lightweight considering his first time drinking . you didn't want to go but your friend dragged you here , the only reason why you knew him was because he was your childhood first love , you had to move and this was the first time in 10 years seeing him once again but him in his drunk state .

ichiro started to chug more and more until the bottle was half empty , his eyes were getting droopy until he started to climb on the table , all his friends cheered him on , rooting and yelling , he started stripping . he took off his shirt then started to unbuckle his belt , his friends suddenly stopped cheering and started panicking , they tried to get him down but he slapped them away . they tried once again and he finally got down except he kept struggling in one of his friend's arms . while ichiro struggled , " does anybody know where this guy lives ? he's seriously getting out of hand , i want him to have fun but he's way too drunk and fucked to keep him handled , " his friend sighed , your friend raised her hand and pointed to you , " this girl right here is actually his childhood friend , " you looked at her as she nudged you , " i could call one of his brothers so they could get him instead " you answered , his friend just nodded his head .

as ichiro was sat down with three guys around him just encase he would go wild again , you stepped outside of the bar and called jiro , since you still kept contact with him without his brother knowing , you knew he would pick up . three rings , he finally answered , " hello ? " you heard his deep voice as you answered back , " hey jiro , uh are you currently busy right now ? ichiro is drunk at a bar and i don't know how else to take him home , " he sighed , " sorry y / n , me and saburo are currently at an away camp " you heard a little voice in the back , " what happened jiro ? " jiro answered back and explained , the voice gasped , " ah really ? can you send me his address then ? i'll take him home myself then , " you answered back , " i will , be safe with him and watch out on the way home also , his keys are in his front pockets if the apartment is locked without his fingerprint , " jiro replied , you hummed , " okay , thank you so much jiro ! say hi to saburo as well , have fun at camp you two , hope to see you soon ! " you heard a goodbye and a faint ' protect ichi - nee ! ' the phone hung up as you giggle a little .

you went back into bar and saw that ichiro had fell asleep on the chair , his friends were taking care of him . as one was fanning him and the other had a glass of water in his hand , one of them saw you come back and wave to you to come over there , as you went over . his friend patted you in the back and mouthed ' good luck ' , they handed you ichiro , his arm around your shoulder . ichiro suddenly woke up but he wasn't as wild , he just rubbed his eyes and walked with you , " oh by the way , we called you guys an uber ! " his friends shouted , you nodded and you walked out with ichiro . he was still a little drunk so , it was quite hard to hold him and walk in a straight line but the uber was out there waiting for you two . both of you got in the ride and you gave the driver an address and she nodded , as she started to drive , you could feel ichiro falling asleep .

he was dozing off , right and left until he put his head on your shoulder and you blush a little as he put his hand on your thigh as well . four minute past , the driver stopped , you thanked her and paid the amount that was needed before exiting the car . you shake ichiro and he woke up but barely , he was still tired but he had enough energy to leave the car and put his arm around your shoulder as you walked him to his apartment that he shared with his brothers . you remembered jiro's advice to get his key from his back pocket but as you reached for them , ichiro's hand grabbed yours . he smirked and he pressed his thumb on to the fingerprint pad , once it opened , he grabbed you and pulled you inside .

he closed and locked the door , you both were standing in the doorway , he looked at you , " ichiro , what's going on ? " you questioned him , he didn't answer and he pulled you into a tender kiss , " i've been meaning to do that for awhile . " you blushed deeply as he started kissing you again . he started to move his hand up and down your body , you shudder a bit , as he pulled away , he lifted you up in his arms and started walking towards his bedroom . he placed you down gently on the bed and admired you , " fuck , you're so beautiful " he nuzzled his head in your neck , " i really wanna do it with you " he looked back at you and his face was flushed , you just nodded you head then smiled .

he kissed your lips softly , he moved to your neck and slowly started sucking , you moaned as he whispered into your ears , " you look so gorgeous under me . don't hold back your moans princess , i want to hear you " you blush deeply as he moved futher down . he removed your shirt and unclipped your bra , he sucked on your breast then sucked harshly on your nipple , he did this a few time on each boob then he started to move down even futher , he got to your skirt and removed it slowly , as he got to your panties , he teased you .

he guided his hand down your clit and he moved his fingers in a circular movement , you softly moaned as he removed your panties , he stuck one finger up you , you gasped . he thrusted in and out , " ah , you're so wet " he looked at you , you both locked eyes with each other as he put another finger in . he moved up to you while he was fingering you , he pulled you into a deep kiss . he bit your bottom lip causing you to open your mouth a little for him to stick his tongue in , he swirled his tongue with yours . you gasped once more as he thrusted his finger in more to the point where it reached your g - spot , you pull away from the kiss and came onto his fingers . he slid them out and chuckled , he licked your cum off , " you taste so sweet " you blushed even more and you covered your face with your hands , he pulled them off and he pecked your cheek .

he took off his shirt revealing his hard abs , you ran your hands up his stomach , he groaned while you started to feel around him , he continued to take off his belt and drop his pants . you looked at his private and you could see his bulge , you widen your eyes and wonder if it was going to fit in you , he kissed your forehead , " i'll go easy on you considering it is my first time " his sentence stopped midway and you looked shocked cause this was your first time as well , " guess we're both each others first " you laugh a little .

he smiled at you as he removed his boxer , his hard on slapped his stomach and as he started to position himself at your entrance , you felt his tip pierce your wet area . he entered slowly starting with his tip , you winced a little but he just grabbed your face and pulled you into another kiss mouthing ' it'll be okay , my darling ' . his dick fully went in , he waited for you to adjust before you nodding and him finally slowly thrusting in and out . it was pleasure and pain at the same time , he kissed you again , his movements were slow and passionate . he pulled away from the kissed and interwined your hands with his . he started to move a little faster as you moaned his name , he sucked your neck and started to leave marks , he thrusted in and out deeper and deeper every pace . you were moaning like crazy , he filled you so nicely , your guys first time was really going to be a night to remember .

as his thrusts got sloppier and sloppier , you put your arms around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist , he thrusted faster and harder , all you both could hear was skin slapping against each other with loud groans and moans heard from the both of you . you and ichiro were close to your limits , " fuck , i'm gonna cum " you moaned out with those words that came out of you , his thrusts were sloppier more then before , " cum with me , babygirl " he whisper into your ear . more thrusts came into place , as you and him came , you felt his hot fluid in you and ichiro pulled out of you , before you could catch your breathe , " i love you " ichiro said as his eyes closed and he laid right on top of you .

you were surprised and blushed deeply as you softly pulled him off of you , you got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash yourself before grabbing ichiro's shirt from the floor and wearing it . you went back in bed with him and laid next to him as you did , he turned back and held you close to him , you were to the point that you could hear his heartbeat . your eyes drooped and you fell slowly to sleep with ichiro holding you close .

[ the next morning ]

it was 10am , ichiro woke up first and for his surprise , he woke up with his arms around your waist , he was so shocked as he yelled , " e - e h , why is my childhood first love in bed with me and we're naked ? " for the whole world to hear . [ to be continued ]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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