Meeting His Family

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When you started dating Tom, you made it pretty clear that you didn't want to pressure him into meeting your family
Because let's be honest, they could be a little much and you didn't want to scare him off
So Tom was the one who brought up the subject when you were getting ready for bed and you were not expecting it at all
"Hey, love? I think I'm ready to meet your family."
You almost choked on the air, not sure if you heard him right
"Did you just say meet my family? Because once I say yes, there's no backing out. I mean it."
"I'm sure you're exag-"
"No, I'm serious like they will hunt us down. We'd have to move to Siberia."
Once Tom managed to convince you that he was sure about meeting everyone, you called your mom and asked if the family could get together
She was ecstatic, since you talked about Tom all the time and was lowkey mad she hadn't met him yet
But now she gets to plan a mini family reunion and she was thrilled (also a wedding in her head but who needed to know that?)
"Um, my mom just called my entire family."
"Yeah, you get the full experience baby"
Tom was stressed for weeks, he just couldn't sit still and he wouldn't stop asking about your family
"Baby, you're freaking me out."
"Well, I'm freaking out! I'm meeting your entire family, this is stressful!"
You eventually had to hold him to calm him down, Tom humming when you ran your hands through his hair, the reunion forgotten for now
But that only lasted a little while, pretty soon Tom was researching every member of your family for information
"Love, I sincerely doubt Great Aunt Alice is going to be there."
"Um, you don't know that. She might, and I want to be able to talk about beekeeping if she is."
"Tom, she's been dead for five years. I think you're safe."
Tom went so red, you couldn't stop laughing, him pouting as you threw your head back
That is, until he got his revenge by tickling you until you cried laughing
When you came back from work one day, the living room was a mess of papers and post it notes with Tom right in the middle
"Tom?! What is this?!"
"Oh, hey babe! Just some notes I took on your family. This was the reduced version, I had to cut it down because I couldn't find the couch."
You made Tom clean up while you made dinner, rolling your eyes every time he said you were mean for making him move everything
"There was an order to it!"
"Yeah, well I want to be able to see the TV so we don't all get what we want."
Tom stopped being a baby once you made him his favorite food, though he did force you to watch Love Island with him which was unfortunate
Finally the big day arrived and Tom was an absolute wreck
Like I'm talking tripping over things, yelling about losing a cuff link, missing shoes kind of crazy
You had finished getting ready a while back, and for the first time Tom took longer than you
"Hey, are you alright in there?"
"I can't find my wallet!"
After you found his wallet under a pile of clothes on the floor, Tom wandered over and put his head in your lap
"I'm so nervous, I don't want to mess this up."
"Tommy, you're not going to mess anything up. My family will love you, okay? Just be yourself and I promise it'll go perfectly."
You stroked his hair for a little bit, his face nuzzling your neck and pressing soft kisses to it until you realized you needed to get going
"You ready? Or should I call in Tan France for a last minute makeover?"
"Shut up, you're the worst."
Tom tried several times to convince you to cancel and stay home with you, and his kisses were really convincing
Not to mention how hot he looked in his black jeans and fitted shirt
But you knew that your mom would actually murder you if you backed out now, so you took Tom's hand and led him to the car
Halfway into the drive, Tom gasped so loudly you almost had a heart attack
"We have to go home! Now!"
"What? Why?"
"I forgot my notes!"
You laughed and kissed his hand, telling him that there was no way you were turning back now and he needed to just focus on having a good time
Plus there was always good food at these things, which made Tom a little happier
When you pulled into the driveway, Tom looked pale as a ghost
He was shaking a little, his hand on your thigh and his head resting on your shoulder
"Hey, it's gonna be okay. I promise."
You kissed his forehead, smiling when he leaned over and kissed you sweetly, pouring all his love into it
At that moment, you knew that no matter what happened next, you wanted to be with him forever
"Wanna go inside?"
"Let's do it, darling."
As you expected, the door was open and you were immediately bombarded by the noise when you walked inside
Tom held your hand tightly, a little afraid of it all but he felt better with you by his side
He loved you so much, he really wanted this to go well
There were kids running around the place, waving lightsabers and giggling at each other
Tom grinned when he realized one of the little boys was wearing a Spiderman costume, nudging you softly
"That little guy's got good taste"
"Why am I in love with a five year old?"
Eventually you found your mother outside in the backyard, talking to one of your aunts that you couldn't remember the name of
Thankfully, she walked off before she saw you
"Oh neat, that was Aunt Celia."
?????? Tom how did you know that ????
"What? I told you I did extensive research."
Your mother finally noticed you too and practically squealed
She crushed you in a hug while Tom smiled from the side, loving how close the two of you were
Then she turned your attention to Tom, and he sucked in a breath
"And you must be Tom"
Tom couldn't do much else but nod, realizing everyone had stopped talking and was now looking at him
"Um, hi Mrs. Y/L/N."
"So what do we think?"
You facepalmed as you realized she was addressing everyone there, asking if Tom was good enough
Poor Tom was so scared, still holding your hand and trying to read everyone's expression
After what felt like a million years, someone finally yelled and the place erupted into cheers of approval
Tom almost cried tears of relief, smiling when your mother hugged him and the family crowded around him
"Welcome to the family, Tom. And please, call me Y/M/N."
After everyone got to meet Tom and analyze him everywhich way (which he took like a champ for you), they herded the two of you into the house to eat.
People were still talking to Tom left and right and he tried his best to keep up, but he would barely finish answering a question before someone else piped up.
Your hands were entertwined the whole time, and Tom was grateful for that or he may have been sucked away into the crowd
The table was all set, but how your mother did all this for everyone you'd never know
Tom sat next to you, laughing when the little boy in the Spiderman costume asked for an autograph
"Sure thing, little guy. What's your name?"
"Wow, that's a great name! I think it's even better than Peter!"
Little Alex practically screamed and ran away, clutching the autograph and showing all his cousins. They were snatching at it, staring with wide adoration at Tom who winked at them.
"You just made their entire life"
"It was worth it, they're your family"
At the head of the table, your mother and father stood and clinked their glasses to make a toast
"So after years of nothing, our little girl finally brought someone home"
You rolled your eyes as the table laughed, Tom chuckling when you blushed from the attention
"And we can't be more happy with Tom. As long as you make Y/N happy, and I can see that you do, we all love you."
"As long as you don't break her heart, because then we'll hunt you down!" Your father said, giving Tom a fatherly glare. The table cheered at that, and someone clapped Tom on the back.
But it rolled right off Tom's back, because all he could see was you in rosy soft lighting smiling at your family and kissing his cheekAnd in that moment, it was everything to him
God did he love you and everything that came with you, protective family and all
"I love you."
"I love you too, Tom"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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