Stay Like This

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You sat on the couch, curled up in a knitted blanket you had made one weekend on a whim, Tessa asleep on your feet. You reached over and stroked her ears, causing her to let out a small breath of comfort while you mindlessly flipped through the magazine you had stolen from the coffee shop across the street.
It was yours and Tom's place, where the two of you always went together when he was home. You smiled remembering how he had teased you for taking the thing.

"Darling, that's not even yours!" Tom laughed, taking a sip from his coffee. You sat across the table, visibly excited at your find.

"Well, if they wanted it they would have taken it with them, right? And it's the NEW YORK TIMES Tommy!" You squealed, Tom taking your hand and entwining it with yours as he smiled at you lovingly.

"How could I forget your favorite news publication? Fine, but you have to pay some attention to me, love." He smirked, watching you immediately tear through it. You looked up after a couple minutes and gave him a look.

"What did you say, babe?" Tom couldn't stop laughing, and though you were still confused you couldn't blush fast enough when he brought each one of your fingers to his lips.

Smiling softly, you were yanked from your thoughts when Tessa shifted at your feet, coming to your lap instead.

"I know Tess, I miss him too. I think he'll be back soon." You whispered, letting the little staffie burrow further into the comforter. A little ping from your phone on the table confirmed your hope.

On my way home love. You up for takeout? You rolled your eyes, grinning to yourself.
When am I not :) Want me to order you something?
No, I'll pick it up :)

"He's almost here, Tess." You put your phone to the side, and laid down on your side to get more comfortable. Picking up where you had left off, you read a bit more of the article on European affairs. It was interesting, but you were so exhausted that your eyes began to droop and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.

You couldn't have been asleep for more than fifteen minutes when you felt the couch shift from underneath, and a body slide in behind you. A pair of arms encircled your waist, pulling the blanket over the two of you. You smiled sleepily.

"Tommy?" You whispered, careful not to wake up Tessa.

"It's me, sorry I was trying not to wake you."

He whispered back, moving your hair back slowly and pressing kisses to your neck. The sensation made your heart flutter and you felt warmer. Even though you and Tom had been dating for two years, it felt like you were still in that honeymoon phase when you had first started dating.

"That's okay, I'm glad you did. I missed you." Now the two of you were sitting up, Tom letting you rest your head on his chest so he could have you in his lap.

"Definitely missed you more darling, shooting was exhausting. Missed my girl, missed this." He murmured against your hair.

"I think you mean girls. Don't let Tess hear you." Tom chuckled and you felt the vibrations from his chest.

"Good thing she can't understand me. Wanna eat, love?" You looked over at the table, completely covered with paper bags.

"We're gonna have leftovers for weeks!" You giggled, "But the answer to your question is yes, let's eat."

So the two of you opened things, laughing as you both realized how much there really was.

Tom made you take what you wanted first, and even though you protested, he reminded you that he'd steal from you anyway. Then he got back on the couch, wiggling his eyebrows and making grabby hands at you.

"Come cuddle with me?" You laughed at the gesture.
"Yes, I think I will. But can-"

"Can you read your magazine? Yes, as long as you let me hold you." Tom smirked, watching your face flush.

"How on earth do you know me so well?" You asked, settling into his lap with your news. Tom rested his head on your chest.

"I think we've been dating too long. But I wouldn't change that." You kissed his head.

"Mmm, me neither. I mean, your habit of leaving your clothes everywhere is a close deal breaker, but Tess helps me so we've decided to forgive you." Tom rolled his eyes at your comment, snuggling further into you and bringing your arm around him.

"Do you mind if we just stay like this?" He asked, playing with your free hand. Tom loved your fingers, he never got tired of them. He liked the way they danced around when you were dancing in the apartment, your hair a mess but your eyes crinkled in happiness. He liked the way they crooked at him when you were feeling silly and needy.

"No, I was about to ask that too." You whispered into his hair.

But most of all, he liked the way they dried his tears and they way they touched him. Because you felt like home. They were treasures to him, just like your beautiful smile. He kissed them again just like he had in the coffee shop.

"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Don't move, yeah?
"Wouldn't think of it."

The two of you fell asleep on the couch a couple minutes later, the magazine abandoned and your bodies intertwined, with Tess at your feet.

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