What do i do?

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At this moment I really don't know what you do.

I kissed my favorite YouTuber know I'm in the hands of not knowing what to do.

The next day  "Jessica are you there"

"Who is it."

"Um it's Ethan can I come in?"

I let Ethan in my room.

"Ethan I know what your going to talk about."

"Jessica please listen to me ok please."

"Fine I will what is it."

"When I kissed you I felt something in you."

"When me and Grayson moved to California we never had anyone close to us. "

"We had no family and no friends here. We didn't have no one we left school at 15 years old we started YouTube to show people how funny we were. Know we have friends and people here we love."

"Ethan I felt something in you to. Your a nice guy your a cool person that treats your fans like everything. "

"You can give people happiness from the internet. I care about you Ethan I do I really see something in you."

We go and we hug each other when a knock at my door happens and it's Greyson.

He just runs in and just straight up flat out says "I'm noticing something between you guys"

We're both like what what what do you mean Grayson we don't know what you're talking about.

"I wasn't born yesterday guys I know you guys have a thing."

Our faces both turn red obviously we don't know what to say.

Then we just blurt out "OK OK YOU CAUGHT US."

"Omg I can't believe it's true I knew you guys would like each other."

Days latter.....Our date

Me and Ethan are going out to watch the sunset as or first date. It's so beautiful here the beach is amazing it's so pretty. Ethan tuned to me and said "Jessica I thought you wouldn't have time for me."

"Ethan that's crazy I will always have time for you i can't give you up ever." Why are you saying this to me?

"I'm sorry Jessica I'm just i don't know we haven't had no one here when we moved here no friends nothing we moved from Jersey to La to get freedom from bullies.

"When I first saw you for the first time meeting you i knew it was right for me.''

"We always had crazy fan experiences meeting our supporters actually taking pictures with them makes us feel like loved even more then ever. I never though i would fall For a fan and i did."

"Ethan this right here makes me so happy just spending time with each other we fell for each other  so quickly and i think it was ment to be.I have never felt like this to anyone before."

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