23. Trust

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You and Chan had returned back to normal. You explained everything to the other members and they decided to forgive you. They understood that you would never go back to being a cop just because of the events that had happened. Thankfully they trusted that you didn't tell Ateez any information.

Your health, not only physically but mentally has gotten better and you credit Jeongin with that. Although he hated you for a bit, he did everything t try and make you smile. You two have become really close since you came back from Ateez's basement.

You fell backwards, holding your stomach. You were in so much pain from the amount of laughter that was coming out of you. "Y/N. It wasn't even that funny." He started laughing at you for being so ridiculous. "I don't care Innie." He flopped back down on his bed, laying his head on his hands. "I'm glad you're happy again." You looked to him, "Me too. Thanks." You stayed there for a moment, just laying down on the floor. You started to enjoy the little moments, since you don't know when you'll leave this world. As you continued thinking, someone entered the room.

"Guys we need to go." Jisung's voice sounded urgent. He had about 5 bags in his hand and was panting. "What, again?" You quickly stood up and headed towards your's and Chan's room. You entered the room to see Chan already packed and loading his guns. "What the hell is happening Chan?" "They found out where we are and are coming." You grabbed the bag you came with and quickly shoved everything you owned. You swung the backpack over your shoulder as Chan grabbed your hand, taking you out of the apartment. As you help load everything into the car, you spot two figures in the distance. "It's Seonghwa and Mingi." You warned the others as everyone piled into the car. "Ok everyone, hold on." Chan started the car and stepped on the gas. You didn't have enough time to strap yourself in, causing you to fall onto the floor of the car. Changbin quickly pulled you back up to the seat. "Chan, what are you doing!" You almost screamed as he went about 70 mph towards the two Ateez members. Seonghwa was able to move out of the way but unfortunately Mingi couldn't The car slammed into Mingi, causing blood to splatter onto the windshield. You turned around to look out of the back window. Mingi's body was laying in the middle of the street. Changbin pushed you down, as Seonghwa fired a couple of bullets at the car.

"How are we going ot drive around in a bloody car?" Woojin was really the only smart person here. Chan just shrugged his shoulders and continued driving. You could feel Jeongin shaking beside you. You placed your hand on his shoulder, in an attempt to help calm him down.

You had no idea what Chan's plan was and where he was taking you guys. You didn't keep track of how long you have been on the road, Jeongin was sleeping on your shoulder and Jisung was sprawled in the back. You kept your eyes on road, but every now and then you'd make eye contact with Chan through the mirror. He'd give you a small smile and then return his attention to the road.

You trusted that Chan would know a good place to go.

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