Chapter 10 (Cameron)

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I woke up, for the first time in two years, with my arms around my wives waist. I smile to myself as I look on the floor and see our eight year old son, our daughter on the other side of Ariana. I move myself out of the bed. Careful not to wake the three up.

I walked out to the little kitchen, nobody was up yet and it was just me. I decide to make a pot of coffee, I sit at the table and grab the paper someone has sat on the end of the table. I take a quick look at it and see that it's in Spanish...

I read the headline.

"La explosión del edificio de apartamentos deja 35 muertos." I choke on a sob. 35 people died. 

I lay the paper down and decide that maybe I should check to see if the pot of coffee is done. I stand up and walk over to the coffee, the smell flooding my nose.

I stand there, and just stare at the pot of coffee as I'm hit with a memory from two years ago.

I stand at the kitchen counter and feel the tears roll down my cheeks, I twist my ring around my finger. Today we were burying Ariana, my kids were at Taylor's being dressed.

A knock at the front door knocks me out of my thoughts. I walk towards the front door and look through the peephole. Dom is standing on the other side, his face stained with tears.

I open the door and we meet eyes, his not leaving mine. 

"I came by to see if it was all just a bad dream. I wanted to see if my daughter would answer this door, confused by why her father was crying," he stops and looks at me, "but here I am looking at her husband, in a black suit, getting ready to bury her." He cries, and I fall to the floor in tears.

"I'm sorry..." I tell him, he falls down next to me. 

We sit there and don't move until we have to leave to go to the cemetery...

Oh how I wish she was here...

"Cameron?" I hear from behind me, turning around I meet Taylor's eyes. Her eyes were red-rimmed, and her cheeks are puffy. 

"Yeah?" I ask her, she sniffles. I feel her pain, I was in her position just a few days ago, I knew what she was going through.

"They have my babies, my only reason for living, and we don't know what he's going to do with them, I just don't know if I'll be able to go on living if anything happens to them" She tells me, I am shocked by what she just told me.

"Taylor, if you think that way then we'll never be able to get the kids back, you've gotten be strong for them," I remembered what it was like when Cipher had Vince, and how tore up I was about it, "I know what you're going through, I didn't know if I'd ever see my kids again, but with my strength, I got them back. So if you keep the strength that I know you have, we'll have them back in no time." 

"I needed that, really." She walked over to me and hugged me, when my arms made their way around her she sniffled again, this wasn't caused by the pain this one was caused by her deciding to be strong for her children. 

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." We hear Roman's voice from the doorway, when we turn towards his voice and broke apart. 

"No, I just needed someone who understand what I was going through." Taylor tells him, I nod my head and turn towards the coffee pot to pour myself a cup of coffee.

"Good morning." We hear Ariana say as she walks into the kitchen, she's rubbing her eyes of sleep, her hair was up in a bun, messy if I must say, she then looks up and sees us three looking at her.

"Good morning." I tell her, I hand her my cup of coffee and kiss the top of her head, she smiles and goes to add sugar to her coffee. 

"When everybody is done in the kitchen we need you in the main room." Roman tells us, I nod my head and pour myself another cup of coffee.

Taylor and Roman both exit the kitchen and head for the main room of the compound, Ariana stirs her coffee and when she's done with it she turns to look at me. The love in her eyes hasn't left in the two years she wasn't with me. 

Her hair had started to fade from it's pitch black back to her natural color, her eyes didn't have as bad as bags as they did when we saw her for the first time.

"You know I went by Amelia for two years?" She says out of nowhere, I look at her and cock an eyebrow.

"Ariana suits you so much better." I tell her as I grab her hand and start to walk out into the main room, everybody is sitting around a screen, one that takes up an entire wall. It shows us a map of Braga's compound.

"Hey, what's that?" I ask, I point to a room on the map. 

It's open, and what seems to be boxes are scattered around the room, we all look at Ariana for an answer.

She doesn't answer, she's thinking. 

"Holy shit," she finally says, she sets down her cup, "he said he wasn't going to do that anymore."

"What?" Uncle Brian asks her, she then turns looks him dead in the eye and takes us all by surprise.

"He's planning on smuggling drugs across the U.S. and Mexico border."   

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