Mad Love Chapter Twelve

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Happy Turkey Day!!!! I don't know what you guys are doing on here - you should be stuffing your faces!!! Haha, lol.

I am SO SORRY that this took so long. I got called into work one night, had some crazy stuff to take care of, excuses, excuses. Anyways, please vote and comment!!!! It's really appreciated!!!!!!!

As always, you guys rock!!! I'm so lucky to have fans like you! :D

Also, it's a long shot, but if I get enough votes, I'll post the next chapter either later tonight or tomorrow morning. Let me know which you prefer, lol. :P


Soft, feminine laughter bubbled up from the other room. My pen stilled against my paper as the sound reached me. Sitting at my desk, I shot a glance at the door separating our offices.

Jamie had a visitor. A female one.

I don't know how long I stared at the door before I realized I was spacing out. Shaking my head, I began to scribble down notes on the latest budget analysis.

Her laugh sounded again, making me pause a second time.

I glared up at the door, frowning. I had half a mind to run into his office and demand that he get back to work. Our time shouldn't be spent cavorting with guests. I certainly didn't bring Zack to work. I closed my eyes, counting to ten. Sighing, I released my death grip on my ballpoint. I don't know why this was bothering me so much.

Who was she? Was the visit business or pleasure? Was she pretty? Useless, stupid questions filled my head.

"Stop it, Maddy," I muttered to myself, staring down at the paperwork on my desk. I couldn't focus. After reading the same line five times, I gave up. I was too distracted.

Leaving my office, I didn't have to hear the muted voices and the conversation I couldn't interpret. I plopped down into a chair across from Kathy's desk. She shot me a look over her reading glasses, smiling.

"Rough day, Maddy?"

I nodded. It had been a rough week, honestly. Jamie had decided to take on several more projects, and I was struggling to keep up. Charpton had been a good place to start for me, because it was a slower pace. However, since Jamie had taken over the region, he had taken an aggressive approach to business. It was good for the company, tough for the workers.

Of course, I refused to show any sign that I couldn't handle it. I didn't want to show weakness to anyone, certainly not him. I felt frazzled, frayed. A hot mess on wheels, in the beginning stages of careening out of control.

My mind turned to the woman in Jamie's office. "Kathy, who is in with Jamie right now?"

"A young woman from Smith Contracting, I believe her name is Andrea. Pretty girl," she said, shuffling through files.

"Do you know what she's here for?" I asked, prying further.

"Mmm, no. I don't. Is something wrong?" Kathy asked, turning to look at me with a puzzled frown.

"No," I sighed. "No, just wondering."

I stayed there for another moment or two, still in silence as Kathy filed papers. I looked at my nails, noticing how out of shape my cuticles had become. Work had kept me so distracted. I hadn't had time to do much for myself lately. Especially with making time for Em, Lacey, Zack and Dad. I had known it would be tough, but this was ridiculous.

Finally, I walked back to my office. Before I could reach the door, I heard footsteps coming from behind Jamie's door. Andrea the Mystery Woman's voice grew louder.

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