Mad Love Chapter Seventeen

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Sorry in advance for an spelling/grammar errors.  I was in a hurry to post this before work.  I have like fifteen minutes, lol. 

A huge thank you to RosellaAurelia, for providing the picture I used in the book cover.  I absolutely loved the pic!  I don't think I did too well with it, as I don't have Photoshop on this computer.  But I did what I could.  "Because even love needs a hard hat."  Giggle.

Also, another huge thank you to jazz5696, for calling Mad Love an 'office romance'.  That's the perfect description, and made me laugh my butt off.  :D

Anywhoozles, I love you all for reading this far, and for supporting the story.  I never thought so many people would like it!  Thank you to all the new fans, it means the world to me!  And all the people that continue to check for updates, and always comment.  You guys rock!


The smell of freshly printed paper has always made me smile. There is a certain beauty in the rows of paperback novels, all clean lines, crisp pages, orderly columns and rainbow colored spines that thrills me. A world of possibilities awaiting your perusal.

Unfortunately, I was not in the romance, thriller, horror or even any fiction aisle. No. I was in the self-help section.

Because apparently, I needed help.

Your Anger And You, Fight the Rage, Inner Demons, The Sin of Violence, and other ridiculous titles screamed at me from the rows. I had originally came to find a self-help book on controlling my anger, but nothing seemed to fit.

It was only yesterday that I had made a fool of myself to Andrea Smith, and was expecting a harsh settlement from her husband. The possibility of severing ties with their company was also looming over my head, like a razor sharp guillotine.

A book titled 'Choke a Bitch!' caught my attention, but my spirits fell when I realized it was a parody, not a useful book.

I finally settled on 'Your Anger and You', flipping it over to read the back.

"'Your Anger and You' is the renowned bestseller by Dr. Carl Beeson. His techniques for controlling irrational anger, fits of rage, and the urge to commit harm have helped countless individuals in his peace retreats. Join 'Dr. Carl' as he assists you in living a more calm and enjoyable life, with methods that can be used in any stressful situation...."

It continued on for awhile, giving a rundown of the book. Flipping through the chapters, I spied the title of Chapter Three.

'Anger is a Good Thing'.

Oh yeah, me and Dr. Carl would get along just fine. I threw it into my shopping basket, continuing on through the tall rows of the bookstore.

The self-help section was a lot more extensive than I had realized. Before I could help myself, I had grabbed several more books in the relationship section, all promising to make me a happier, well-rounded individual with the tools to succeed in life and love.

At the checkout, the cashier gave me a funny look. Don't judge me, I thought. So what if I bought 'Your Anger and You', 'Finding Your Soul Mate', 'The Joy of Being Single', and 'The Career Minded Woman'. Okay, so maybe book two and three didn't get along so well, but it wasn't the cashier's place to judge.

In my periphery, I noticed a young man standing to the side, looking at a popular display of the new Dan Brown release. His skinny, but well formed chest was encased in an olive green band shirt. His head was bowed, reading the inner flap of a hardback novel. Glancing over my shoulder, I realized it was Zack.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2011 ⏰

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