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After we had wiped Caelum's mothers memory, I had my guards put him in the back seat of our undercover sedan.

The car was meant to look normal so we don't make the districts panic or hide their kids in advance.

Because truthfully their families cannot protect them as well as we can.

We always try not to make it traumatic for them but even that is sometimes unavoidable, especially when we are fiercely trying to protect our way of life from those that turn against us and reject their zodiac sign.

They reject because they think it'll give them some profound feeling of freedom. But those who reject slowly wither away into the undead, what everyone else doesn't know is that, only a pure zodiac can survive rejecting their zodiac sign.

And if their blood is in those ordinary zodiacs blood stream, then they two will survive, but by this unforeseen law, they are bound to the pure zodiacs that gave them their blood.

They essentially become servants in their own rights, what's the saying? Servants by choice? Hence why we try to discover the pure zodiacs before any of them are kidnapped, or mistreated.

"So this intensive education program is supposed to do what?" I heard Caelum ask after a long period of silence, He was mulling over his thoughts, now I know my power.

But this kid is new to the whole power thing, if I'm correct, he would've noticed he was different a few weeks earlier.

"I understand that you may feel frustrated right now, but I promise I will explain once we are at the school" I spoke in a calm collected manner, the worst thing you can do, is lie to an Aquarius.

If he can read my emotion he will call me out on it.

"I see, so this isn't actually an intensive education system" He scoffed.

I saw him roll his eyes, it took everything in me not to jerk the steering wheel and make him hit his head on the car window.

"Oh? I see, tell me what it is that you want right now? Something that you wish you had." I murmured with a small smirk, I notice him stiffen and look at me curiously, then he shook his head and laughed.

"I would love a puppy" his face turned and looked at me in the mirror like it was a challenge, I laughed out of the blue which caught him off guard.

"Watch my right hand carefully" I said as I imagined the puppy he was picturing, took a deep breath, allowing my power to surge through my right arm.

I then slowly lifted my hand and snapped my fingers, there on his lap appeared the puppy he had imagined.

"What the heck?! This puppy isn't real, but how did it just appear! OUT OF NOWHERE!" Caelum was baffled, if not shocked.

"It's simple, I take what you desire out loud and make it real" I said casually, as I looked out onto the pristine modern roads.

"Only catch is, is that if you don't love or take care of what you're given, it disappears", "oh and I can't give myself anything I desire" I spoke out loud, I saw him holding the puppy carefully, like he was scared of breaking the baby, But he appeared to look upset still, he gave a soft sigh.

The puppy started to nuzzle caelums face, so he brought her up to cuddle him close.

The puppy could feel that Caelum wasn't okay, so she was trying to comfort him.
After a long journey from the Aquarius district we finally turned up to a school that appeared to look a bit run down from the outside, moss covered the stone walls, some cracks were noticeable in its foundation.

There was a drop bridge too that secluded the school on a island entirely for its own self isolation.

A barrier, a spell to be exact, that sheltered any rebellious zodiacs from picking up on their power.

We are essentially trying to save these kids before they are kidnapped and used.

You would think that the rebellion would worship them like gods.

But they don't, just for the fact that they do not want their freedom to be taken away.

Once we passed the barrier I saw Caelum do a double take and rub his eyes, his reaction was completely normal considering the school changes form when you pass the barrier.

Once the bridge was crossed the car came to a stop in front of a massive pad locked, no, triple locked gate.

"Ferdinand Trevoi, Taurus District Leader, We have a new student" I said into the speaker outside my car window.

"What's with all the guards around here?" I heard Caelum ask in a confused tone.

The guards are actually meant to keep everyone away from them.

"They're there to protect everyone that lives here" I say casually.

He gives me a strange look. "But I was protected with my family" he stated grumpily.

"Even your mother couldn't have protected you even if she tried" I said back to him, giving him a don't argue with me side glance.

"Why not?" He asks curiously.

"When two pure zodiacs have a child, their powers are passed on to their first born" I say slowly, waiting for him to click on.

"It's not often that there are two zodiacs that are pure and live in the same district have a child", "in fact it is super rare" I continued on, his face had gone pale with the news he received.

"but you can't tell anyone that both of your parents were pure, it'll make them either fear or envy you" I said as I started the car up again, the rest of the drive into the school was silent.

He was thinking very carefully about everything he had learnt today.

And obviously was trying to digest, an take it in.

Poor kid, I do wonder what happened to his father though.

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