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"Dad, heres the screw you were looking for!" I say to my father as I pass him the screw looking at his tanned face and purple eyes, with a smile.

"Thank you! I knew I was missing something!" he says with excitement and ruffles my hair fondly, his face was covered in dirt and grime, an he was wearing overalls as he worked.

sweat was evidently running down his forehead.

"When is mom going to be home tonight?" I ask my father in forlorn voice, my mother works so much and she is barely home.

Sometimes it feels like she lives at her workplace.

"She'll be home tonight, she works in a restaurant remember?" He scoffed like the job wasn't very important, but she helps deliver their food, how will people eat if they don't receive it?.

"I know, I still miss her though" I sigh, as the memory fades while I peer out the window of cafe from behind the counter I stood, about to serve the next customer.

"Excuse me miss, I would like a coffee and two sugars please" A male customer asked with an impatient look across his features.

"What type of coffee would you like Sir?" I asked him in a polite tone, he only huffed, rubbed his forehead in adamant frustration.

"Americano please, and don't add so much milk this time!" he snaps impatiently as he pays for his coffee, taking a seat down by the window, anxiously peering at his watch.

Although I was not the one who had caused his anxiety, it appeared to be his boss and family causing the anxiety, I could see him picturing what was said and how.

He wanted to get back to work to not get fired, an his wife was nagging at him for being home late and threatening to move out of home.

"How the heck did I just do that?" I frown in disbelief, picking up on the information I just found out, I attempt to make the coffee quickly for him to get to work on time.

Once the coffee was made I called out his name, he came up to collect his coffee as I say to him.

"Sit down and talk to your wife when you get home, an get to work on time! have a good day Alex!" I say to him with a big smile.

He although was not smiling, but rather shocked as he ran away with his coffee.

What I didn't realise was that someone had watched the entire exchange with curious eyes, but I couldn't pick up where it was coming from.

The stare made me shiver as I peered around the shop and finally found a man in the corner, his sharp eyes focused on me. penetrating my soul.

I awkwardly looked away, continuing my work and trying my hardest to focus on the next customer, the day blurred by fast as I took a sigh of relief, our day was immensely busy and rude customers came at me, right and left.

But it was also exhausting cause their emotions would hit me like a dump truck, it gave me massive headaches and I could not focus very well which ended up with quite a few customers with burnt coffee and the wrong orders being given.

As I was closing up, the same man whom had been watching me, walked up to the counter.

"Sorry Sir, we are closing" I say in a kind, tired voice.

"No that's not what I'm here for, tell me how I'm feeling right now" He asks in a kind voice, which I did not expect to come out of his mouth.

"Let's see, you are in anguish and mourn the loss of your only son, but you are also curious because of me" I say to him in a confused tone.

"Thank you very much, I can also tell that being able to see everyones emotions must've been exhausting for you, would you like to come with me to learn how to control your powers better?" he asks me, this time I couldn't see what emotion he was feeling, but I could follow him anywhere just by looking and seeing the honesty in his expression.

"Sure, I only just learnt of them today while working, it would be a life saver to learn how to control them!" I perk up in excitement at the thought of travelling and learning how to control whatever was going on.

He appeared to be very pleased with what I said as I found myself following him out of the shop and sitting in the front seat of his vehicle.

I watched the world as it blurred by, oh how I wish I had my sketchpad with me, I would do all sorts of artsy things, and I just thought of something amazing as well.

"Could you stop imagining butterflies please" He asked suddenly, I immediately snapped out of my daze and looked around in confusion to see butterflies, an abnormally large butterfly was flying around, but disappeared in a puff of mist.

"How the heck!" I shouted out in surprise, as the butterfly was gone.

"I see, so more than one power, interesting" He mutters as I notice we are heading towards a broken down building, that almost looks like a school in the middle of nowhere.

"What's this place?" I ask out loud, not even realising my thoughts were spoken out loud.

"This place is a school for people like us, to learn how to safely control their powers" He says casually, but I looked at him like he had grown two heads.

"You think I have powers?! What I did earlier was just coincidence! and intuition!" I exclaimed and threw my hands in the air.

"Reading peoples emotions is intuition, being able to tell exactly what they're feeling, how and why" He took a second to think and look directly at me.

"that is not coincidence, or intuition" His hands were clasped together as the car was parked, before waving up at the guards to open the gates.

Once the gates open there was no longer an old school but a very modernly built one.

the outside is very deceiving!

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