Chapter 2

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"It's okay" as you look up you see the man you saw before. You just stare at his beautiful crystal black eyes. "I....I'm...I'm really..... sorry" you stutter, taken aback. You see him looking nervously around. Then his eyes lock on namjoon. "Pardon, I have to leave" he says as he leaves.

"At least let me wipe off some wine off" you say feeling like it was your fault his black shirt is now splattered in wine.
" It's okay don't worry about it" he says as looking around nervously, not really paying attention at what you were saying. "I have to go excuse me" he says speed walking away.

He seems kinda of in a hurry. I still feel bad he didn't let me help him, oh well.

As he leaves two girls that surrounded him come up to him and scream obnoxiously loud. "KYAAAA ITS TAEHYUNG" girl #1 says, too excited for her own good. "OMG OMG CAN WE TAKE A PIC WITH YOU!" Girl #2 says even louder than the first girl. Taehyung declines their request and gives a small,"sorry,sorry" and then he hurries and disappears around a corner. You pause for a second: so his  name is Taehyung?

——————Taehyung's POV————-
" Aish she ruined my new outfit" ಥ_ಥ Taehyung says sadly. "Why is she so clumsy?!" he thinks silently as he grabs a cloth and wipes off the remaining droplets of wine. "I better make my way back to namjoon or he's gonna be pissed" Taehyung said quietly to himself as he looked around hurriedly.
As Taehyung was making his way back to namjoon he got stoped by a two  girls. "KYAAAA ITS TAEHYUNG" girl #1 screamed "OMG OMG CAN WE TAKE A PIC WITH YOU!" Girl #2 says really loudly. "she screamed so loud my ears hurt" Taehyung thought.
"I'm really sorry miss but I really have to go, please understand" Taehyung says, giving them a small wave goodbye, which makes the girls blush like crazy. "Oh it's okay I hope we get to see you next time!" Girl #1 says. "I hope we can see you next time" Girl #2 says.
"Of course next time we can take a lot of pictures together" Taehyung says as he smiles politely. As he says this he hurried to find namjoon.
—————-End of Taehyung's POV——————-

As I make my way back to Leslie I spot Namjoon and Taehyung sitting there waiting for me to arrive. I hurry to their table and Leslie introduces me. "Hello my name is Leslie and this is my best friend (Y/N) I wanted her to come so I can be more comfortable taking this interview, I hope that's ok." Leslie says nervously, with a smile. "Of course that's ok. Have a seat."Namjoon says politely pointing to the empty seats across from Taehyung and himself. Then Leslie says to introduce myself, nudging me slightly in the arm. "Hello my name is (Y/N) nice to meet you!" You say confidently, reaching in to shake their hands, they accept the offer with a smile.
" Hello my name is Kim Namjoon and this is Kim Taehyung a model at Bangtan Industry" namjoon says as he nudges Taehyung so he could say something. Taehyung takes a deep sigh. " Hello my name is Kim Taehyung nice to meet you" he says in a bored tone as he rolls his eyes as if he was annoyed.
"Well should we get started with the interview?" Namjoon asks Leslie, not breaking his smile. Leslie replys and she say yes confidently.

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