YOU DO NOT [...]

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you claim you are helpless.

you beg for sympathy on

every street i pass.

a minority turned strong

by strong fools and strong plans.

you claim to have a

missing home in

lands far away.

i understand about missing homes.

i sympathise.

yet my feelings turn cold

when you the same

to innocents

you have sprung upon and killed

in cold blood, not losing

a night's sleep.

you rest soundly

as others

miles away

scream for peace

and safety.

as children cry and frightened people vy for

a moment's rest

at last.

you claim to have a missing home.

i no longer believe

or sympathise.

as you take away the very

foundations, homes, origins

of innocents

peaceful and prosperous

until you sprung upon them without a warning.

you are no better

no more merciful or kind

than the one you swear an enemy.

and you set yourselves

a pedestal to stand on,

flaunting your

century-old misery

a tin can for charity.

but i shall not drop a semblance into there.

not a penny or a single shilling.

(starve for all i care)

because you do not deserve this.

you are not helpless

with glass building and explosive weaponry.

you are not helpless

with large armies, a stream of attackers but without a need to defend.

you are not helpless

with a home you have taken away to claim as your own.



[ tas wrote this because she hates to see an unfair situation, especially like this one. because she hates to hear the sobs or the stories of deaths too gruesome to imagine or tales told by a friend unable to see the world the same way. ]

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