The Burning of Thoughts Ch.2

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After dwelling on his anger, at his house, for

some time Allan decided it was time to get his mind off things. Sitting there

and letting his mind spin would have been self-destructive, so he went for a


He went behind

his house and fallowed the path into the forest. It was already fairly dark and

he realized that it was probably not a good idea to go walking in the forest at

this hour. However, the full moon was naked: no clouds blocked out it’s light.

Allan took in the tranquil sounds, sight, and smells of the forest. The crisp

scent of fall without the bitterness of oncoming winter, the chirping of

insects, and the sight of ancient trees cooled Allan’s anger.

When he was well

into the forest and sufficiently isolated he picked a particularly large oak

and sat up against it. He let the forest consume his senses and let his

consciousness slowly fade.

We woke up slowly

at first then once he realized he had been asleep he jolted awake. He had not

intended to fall asleep. Sleeping in the forest was not at all safe. Allan

realized something was not right in the forest. It was silent. Usually the

creatures of the forest created plenty of noises. Silence could only mean that

something scarred the animals.

A soft almost

musical laugh of a girl rang out through the woods. Allan turned his head to

the direction the laugh came from. There was an eerie white light and despite

how bright the light was it didn’t illuminate anything. The light moved and the

sound of footsteps crushing fallen leafs and twigs rang out. Allan decided to

fallow the girl. She was going in the direction of his house anyway. He

couldn’t see her but he could see the odd light and hear her footsteps and her

occasional laughter.

After traveling

for some time the girl took all the right turns to where Allan’s house was.

Allan followed after her. Finally, they made the last turn. The only place the

path led now was back to Allan’s house. Allan wondered why the hell the girl

was going on this path.

The girl

disappeared behind the last bend. When Allan got to the bend the light was

gone. He walked the short remaining distance to his house and made his way to

his room. When he got to the door to his room he observed something odd and

chilling. There was a light in his room. He was sure he turned off his lamp.

Someone had to be in there. He opened the door fast and scanned the room with

his eyes. Sitting on his bed was a girl. She had black waist length hair bright

but dark blue eyes and she was wearing a black dress. She reminded Allan of the

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2010 ⏰

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