" I was studying Arts, majoring in Creative Writing, and I'd been putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) since a very early age. I remember using hole punches and ribbon to create my very own bound books as a child. In school, I would write short stories about my friends and give them as gifts. Sharing my words with the world has always been my dream. As soon as I started reading on Wattpad, I realized I wanted to put my own work on the site. An audience was already there, waiting for me. It has strengthened me as a writer, and influenced my work and my creative process.
Paid Stories has been a huge step in the start of my career of writing fiction professionally. Knowing that readers from around the world have paid their hard-earned cash to purchase my story is amazing, and humbling. It's so gratifying to know that my writing is worth something to someone, and that people want to hear the story I'm trying to tell.
I don't think I would have written nearly as much as I have now, without Wattpad. Having readers encouraging me as I go along has boosted my confidence and motivated me to write. The instant feedback I get from dedicated readers is so helpful in my development as a writer.
I love the idea that we as readers can support those writers in creating their art, and I am so thrilled that my own readers have been able to support me in my writing endeavors. I've achieved something amazing; something I would never have been able to do without Wattpad."
Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
Ellen Kickpatrick, Berlin Germany - - Writer ofBrewBooks 1 - -
- - - - - 2.
"As soon as I could physically write, I was creating stories. First on pencil and paper, then an old typewriter, so on and so on. No matter how my interests shifted or how I changed as a person, I still wrote. I'll be doing this on my deathbed. Wattpad means a chance to have my work read and enjoyed, a chance to test out new stories and make changes to improve them. No one's Wattpad story remains the same from the 1st read to the 1000th. What a unique opportunity to hone your craft.
Paid Stories has impacted my writing in a major way: offering assurance. When you write, you work alone on a project, for weeks, months, or even years. You complete your story alone, and after a while, your zeal gives way to your brain's nagging insistence that you're actually pretty terrible and no one will ever want to read this. But for now, this program means gaining a new confidence in my work. These stories take hours to complete, hours in between jobs and family, any spare moment. Dedicating so much of your life to create stories people love, then seeing people discover and support your story is really just a wonderful experience."
Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.