Chapter 12

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We were waiting outside in the snow in a forest were no one can hear or find us. I hear footsteps coming closer. I hear the wolfs also coming from their hidden spot behind trees. I also see Tyler coming out with them but in human form. I guess he teaches them also how to fight. We were all here. I was besides Edward and Klaus. Stefan was behind me with Damon. Elena was with her brother, Jeremy, and also besides Jeremy was Bonnie and Caroline. Tyler came up to Caroline and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. I looked directly in front of me and saw that they were getting closer. A guy behind Bella was muttering something about the red coats are coming. Weird, but hey his worried. I finally see that they all come out and start to separate and I see that they all line up and are a lot of them in Aros side.

They finally stop and Carlise and Aro talk and Edward stays silent probably trying to read there minds. They stop talking and Edward walks up to Aro. They talk. Aro reaches Edward hand to see what is going inside his mind. He says something about wanting to meet us. Edward looks over at Renesme and Bella. They both start to walk towards them with Jacob in his wolf form towards them. They stop and look at Emmet. He goes with them. Once they got there Aro hears Renesme beating heart. He puts out his hand to Renesme but she puts her hand on Aros cheek to let him see what she has seen. He straightens up and looks at me. Meaning it's my turn to go up. I start walking with Klaus and Tyler. Once I get there Aro offers his hand and I put my hand in his. His eyes are wide meaning he saw something. "You are just like your mother. I can't see anything." He said. Wait, WHAT!! "Maybe because I'm a different kind of vampire?" I ask him. He looks at me confused. "What do you mean different? We all are the same kind. Wait is this Niklaus Mikealson?" He asks. I nod and he smiles. Why? I have no idea. "So you are friends with the legendary Originals? The ones that can't be killed." He says. "Actually there more like my family." I say. He smirks and turns around to the rest of the people and starts talking to his companion. We start to walk back but I can hear both Jacob and Tyler growl at them, Jacob in his wolf form and Tyler with his teeth growing out and his golden yellow eyes.

Once we are back in our places, Aro starts talking about how Renesme is a danger because she can tell anyone how to kill them and that humans are creating new weapons to kill them. Then he talks about how they are alliance to wolfs, there enemy. Then talks about how we, meaning the other kind of vampire, are a new threat to them because we can't be killed easily but they can and that one of the laws is to not becomes friends with a new kind of vampire that we didn't know about. That's just bullshit. I hear foots steps coming this way meaning Alice and Jasper are here. I look to my left and see them walking towards Aro and sends me a smile. Meaning she knew that I would have come. She looks in front of her. She gets stopped by Aros guards or whatever they are. She tells him that she has proof that Renesme and I aren't a danger. She puts her hand out for Aro. They let her go and she walks up to him. She puts her hand in his. That's when all of a sudden I see something that dosen't look real but looks like dream or something and I'm seeing myself from a distance. Like if I'm seeing a vision.(video of the scene at the side. Sorry for the lack of words. Couldn't find an appropriate video with what they are saying.)

After that I hear something sounding behind us. I look back and see two people with not many clothes walking towards Aro. We make way so they can pass. I see there eyes and the guy has dark brown eyes and the women has blood red eyes. They stand in front of Aro and tells them that he had a human mother and a vampire father. He is now 100 something years old. Bella asks him at time he stopped aging. He answers that after 7 years of his birth he stopped aging. She smiles at Renesme and Edward. Aro says something to his followers and from all the smiles in everyone's face it means that they let us live. Alice and Jasper come back with the two other people. The guy comes up to me and gets close to my ear. "There's more to you. You aren't really a Cullen, you have secrets that only two persons know about, not even you know what those secrets are." He whispers. He pulls back and puts a sad smile. He walks away but puts a piece of paper in my hands. I'm still shocked by it that I don't realize that Klaus has been trying to get my attention until he screams my name. That causes to everyone to turn to me. I look at him. "Yes?" I ask him. He comes up to me and hugs me and everyone turns back to what they were doing. "I heard what he told you. I want you know that I will do my best to find out about this secret if you want to find out." He whispers in my ear. He pulls back and puts a small smile. I smile back. "Ok, I want to find out about this secret." I say. He nods and we turn back to everyone and put a fake smile.

I'm currently in the back porch of the Cullen's house with Alice. Some people have already left and Edward and Jacob were talking Renesme was talking to two women vampires. Bella came out walked straight to where Renesme was now, which was with Edward and Jacob, totally ignoring me. She smiled at Renesme and put her hand in her cheek.  She answered back. I smiled at them. They really are a great family. Good thing I'm not in it and I found my own family, were I belong. Edward looks up me and sees that I'm smiling at them, he nods his head towards them, meaning that he wants me to join them. I shake my head no. He smiles at me. I smile back. I turn around to find Stefan, I smile at him he smiles back and we kiss. We get stopped by a cough coming from the one and only Klaus. I blush. "Time to go." He says. I nod.

After saying goodbye to everyone except for Bella, Renesme no longer hated me because she saw that I can be a good sister even if she didn't treat me well. I walked up to Stefan and Klaus. We waved goodbye and vampire sped back home in Mystic Falls.


A/N: Thanks for reading. Oh and the photo on the side is Tyler's face when he growled at Aros back. I kind of don't like this chapter but hey I at least updated right? Sorry again for the video. Also if anyone can make a better photo cover I accept your pictures and maybe one of them I'll put it has the cover.


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The forgotten Cullen (The vampire diaries/Twilight crossover) UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now