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I remember nothing. I just felt pain all over my body. I see black and a little pinch of grey.

My body throws endless waves of pain and my headache is the worst. I opened my eyes and I see a dim light, a little dark, but still light, bright enough to see. And it all came back to me...

I wanted to die, I wanted all this pain to end and somehow, I have survived the fall. So much for ending my life.

I try to get up but waves of pain prevent me of sitting up.
I lay down and try to feel my surroundings. It feels soft like pedals, and I smell a light aroma of flowers.  I try to sit up again and I see I had landed on buttercups.

I wonder of how was it possible for these to prevent a fall to be fatal, even for a average teenager like me.

I look everywhere else and it's dark, all except a door with candle light shining through. I stand up and try to walk towards the door, but my legs feel like jelly. So I struggle my way towards the door.

I got rid of the jelly-like feeling in my legs and continue to walk. On the edge of my left eye I see something pop out of the ground and light shining above it. It was another buttercup with a face, and he looks so adorable.

" Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower!" It said as friendly
as he ever could, extending a leaf for me like a hand to shake. I extend my hand as well and gladly shook his 'hand'.

" Hi, my name is Ashley. Ashley Niles." I say and let go of his leaf hand and I lower onto my hunches to get more or less to his height. He looks at my arms.

" you have fallen quite a distance, you seem hurt. You see, I would like to be of assistance to help you but, I have no idea how a human works if they are hurt." He says and points to my arms.

" Don't worry, that would all heal. Do you by any chance know a way out of here?" I ask and he smiles wider.

"Of course! Let me show you!"
He says and everything turns black and a green heart appears before me.

"You see that heart? That's your soul and you need LV to get through the underground. what does LV stand for? Oh, love of course! I can share some with you!" He says and three little seeds, that looks like pallets float before him.

" Run towards the friendliness pallets and catch as many as you can!" He says and the friendliness pallets float towards me. Instead of running towards them, I run around them and his facial expressions chance from happy to slightly more or less angry-happy.

"H-hey buddy, you missed them. Let's try that again..."

Three more friendliness pallets appear in front of him and it floats towards me again. I ran around them again. His face looks unhappy and I can't just love someone whom I just met. He sighs

" Let us try that. One. More. Time." He says and three friendliness pallets float towards me again. I run around them again. And his face turns black. A huge smile on his face and his eyes are dark.

"You already know what is going on around here, don't you? In this world... IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED!" He says and around my soul appears friendliness pallets all around it. The space turns less and less and pretty soon my I could end up hurt or worse, dead. Just before I could close my eyes a flame appears out of nowhere and strikes Flowey gone.

" What a terrible creature, terrorising such a youth. Hello, my child. My name is Toriel, caretaker of these ruins. And I see you have injuries..." I heard a voice an she seems to be talking to me.

The Legend is true... There are monsters living in the underground of what I've heard. This goat monster has white fluffy fur and a voice as soothing as a mother's. She's wearing a purple dress with white sleeves and she has horns on her head completed with eyes that are as a red rose colour. She also wore a navy blue coat, which is covering most of her shoulders.

She walks towards me and put her hand gently under my arm and it feels warm like fire. I flinched at the pain my cuts have caused and she takes off her coat and wrappes it around me before she picked me up and started to walk.

My headache is really bad so while she walked. She gave one look with her red eyes making directed eye contact and I just close mine, Drifting off to sleep, only to hear a faint voice of Toriel.

" Don't worry, my child. We will be home soon..."

Then everything went black.

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