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I started to wake up again and my headache is gone. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a room. It had a white cieling and a light green walls. I felt warmth of a bed and a soft pillow under my head. My arms were in bandages and on the bedside table was a pie with a letter with it.

" I hope you feel better once you have woken up, when you have, enjoy this piece of Butterscotch cinnamon pie...

From Toriel."

I finished reading the message and my stomach growled of hunger. I took the pie and started to eat slowly, savouring the taste. It's sweet and the crusts is made perfectly. I was halfway eating the pie when the door opened.

Toriel came into the room with a worried expression on her face. Once she saw me up and eating the pie, she looked relieved.

"Oh, good. You're awake, my child. Do you feel better?" She asked and I wanted to say yes but my throat was dry.

She saw that and she immediately ran out of the room and returned with a glass of ice cool water.

" Here, drink up, my child." She said and I did as told. She took my left hand and put the half eaten pie onto the bedside table with her left hand.

When I felt my thirst was quenched, I talked softly.

" Thank you, Toriel." I said  thankfully.

" You're welcome. What is your name?" She asked whist still holding my hand.

"Oh! Where are my manners?! I'm so sorry if I didn't say my name or properly introduced myself." I said filled with worry in my voice.

Toriel looked at me with a warm smile on her face.

" There's no need to apologize, dear child. You were out cold when we arrived. In fact you slept through the night." She said calmly and giggled a bit.

"My name is Ashley Niles, miss Toriel." I say as politely as I could, as I was learned, as I was raised above the underground.

" Beautiful name, my child. And there is no need to be sorry, nor to apologize for something that you were unaware about. Your Injuries should heal in a few days, so I suggest you get some more rest." She said friendly. I never felt this motherly love since the day my mother died a few years ago. My dad blamed me for mother's death and I had to quit school and my brother was already off to college. The thought made me cry and tears started to flow down my cheeks.

Toriel noticed and came to me, wrapping her arms around me and rubbing my back.

"It's okay, my child. Whatever seems to be the problem?" She asks and I hug her back asif I saw my mother again. My problems melted away and I just cried a whole five minutes.

I calmed down after that cry and I felt a weight on my shoulders and I let go of the hug and she wiped my tears away with her thumb, making me look directly to her.

I started to talk...

"Before I came to the Underground, I was part of a terrible household. My dad can barely keep his current job and my mother died a few years ago. He blames me for my mom and he wishes it was me instead of my mother."

Toriel has put her hands infront of her mouth, gasping at what she had heard.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry for your loss. I can guess he is remarried?" She asked.

"No. He was never remarried because my mom was the only one for him." I say and my head lowers.

" I came to Mount Ebott to end all my pain and I have failed. So now you have reminded of what it is like to have a mother's love. You remind me so much of her." I say with a small smile on my face. She smiled back and pulled me back in for another hug. It felt warm and re insuring. I thought for a while before talking.

" Toriel?" I felt her embrace unfold.

" Yes, Ashley?" She looked into my eyes with sampathy.

" Can I please call you 'mother'?" I asked and I felt her warm embrace once again.

" Of course, my child." She said crying tears of happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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