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Hey what's up? My name's Violette Kali Grande-Butera.

Long name or what?

It's pronounced: V•eye•oh•let Kah•lee Gr•are•n•day - Boot•air•ah

I don't mean to come off snobby or whatever.. But you wouldn't be able to guess the amount of people who say it wrong.

But yeah, anyways...

I'm 15 and living as the youngest of three siblings; Frankie, who is currently 29 and Ariana, who is currently 19. Like the rest of my family, I was born in Boca Raton, Florida; But we live in NewYork; When I say "we" I mean my Mother, Ariana, Frankie and I. My Mother and Father are no longer together, he is a businessman back in Boca Raton .

Well I guess this is my introduction and you're about to witness the rest of my story so yeah, bye .

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