Part 1

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"VIOLETTE!" Someone shouts from upstairs.

"What?!" I shout back.

"Come here now!" I began to realise it was Ariana.

I ran up the stairs, then proceeded to Ari's room.

"Aloha" I greeted, taking a seat on her bed.

"Come here," She said, bluntly.

I stood, confused as to why she wanted me to walk over to her.

She looked me up and down for a second, before she forcefully pulled my shirt down by the shoulder.

"The fuck?" I pushed her away.

"I knew it! You're wearing my bra, again!"

"So..." I looked away.

"So.. It doesn't even fit you; It's way too big Vi,"

"Hardly.. Just shut up! It's fine." I snap back.

"No it's not. You've obviously stuffed it." She said, folding her arms over her chest.

"Whatever" I mumble, rolling my eyes.

"I'm just saying.." Ariana shrugs, before grabbing her jacket.

"Where to today?" I ask.

"Frankie and me are going out." She replies.

"You mean 'Frankie and I'."


"You say 'Frankie and I', not 'Frankie and me'." I inform my sister.


"Anyway, where are you going?"

"I'm getting some clothes ready for when Jai comes over!" She grinned.

"And when is that?" I ask.

"30th of December!" She smiled.

"You realise that's 2 weeks away?"

"Exactly! It's so close! Gosh, I'm excited"

"Can I tag along?" I ask, hopefully.

"If you want, but trust me you'll get bored.."

"So is that a yes or?"

"Okay, fine."

After Ariana was ready, we left.


As we were in Frankie's car, my phone started ringing. I looked down to see an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Stop thinking you're so amazing." an unrecognisable voice beamed through the phone.


"Shut up Viola, or whatever you're called. You're just irrelevant so, whatever.."

"Who is this?" I whispered back.

Then the line went dead.

The fuck ¿

"Who was that love?" Ariana asked, not looking up from her phone.

"I dunno. They hung up."

"What did they say?" She added.

"Nothing." If I told Ari what they said, she would go all mega-protective on me.

"That's strange."

"Tell me about it" I laughed awkwardly.


Throughout shopping, I kept receiving texts from this number;

UN: hey viola !

UN: think ur too good to answer just bcos ur sister is kind of famous

UN: well ur not

UN: ur sister just makes you look like trash even more !

UN: plus ur fat

UN: just look at how pretty ur sister is then look at u

UN: watch ur back at school

Fuck this is creepy.

But I can't help feeling some of this is true. Ariana makes me feel so insecure. She's so skinny, pretty and successful. While, I feel worthless.

"You okay Vie?" I look up, to see Frankie.

"What? Oh.. yeah" I stuttered.

"You look sad" He pouted.

"I'm fine."

He motioned Ariana to come over to us.

"What's up?" Ari asked Frankie.

"Vie won't tell me what's making her sad" Frankie said, cupping my cheek.

I pushed away his hand.

"Aw, come here baby girl" Ariana hugged me.

Never in a million years would I tell either Frankie or Ari about hate.

They get all super protective and start lashing out at people.

So I just keep it to myself.

"I'm fine" I said, looking at the floor.

Ariana brought her fingertips to my chin, lifting it up; to make me look her in the eyes.

She looked at me worriedly, with a some what sympathetic smile.

"Talk to me Violette."

"I said I was fine." I sigh, before turning around and walking out of the store.

Can't they just understand? Obviously not. They don't have to go to school and deal with pure shit everyday...

"Violette." A voice came from behind me.

It was Ariana. "What?"

"We can talk later, but just don't go home. We never spend time together any more."

"And whose fault is that?"

"Mine. I know. But babe please just listen to me; you're our sister, obviously we want to know why you're upset. You never open up to us anymore."

I begin to stare at the ground. "You don't know what it's like."

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