Gerg is shooked

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"Mother, what in the hell do you mean," screams Gerg whilst crying. Tears are streaming down his face. Gerg has never been one to cry, but today was his only acceptation. His mother had just confessed that she had faked her own death to her family just because she had not loved him. He had never felt so alone like this. She was the reason that he had suffered emotional childhood trauma. She was the reason that he had lost contact with his family. She was the reason he was not happy.

Gerg's mother says,"I hate you, your hot dog sister, and the triplets in my womb. I wish i had aborted all of you. I wish I had  never had any children. If I had never had children, I could still be the famous porn star I once was," as tears filled her eyes. "I HATE YOU! ALL OF YOU! YOU ARE THE REASONS I CANNOT BE MYSELF!" she cried out. She looks at her stomach and places her hand on it before she makes her decision.

A certain gleam in his mother's eyes made Gerg scared. Not only had this woman confessed she wishes they were dead, but she had also been paying close attention to her stomach. Gerg's mother takes a shiny object out of her Gucci purse. Gerg cries out when he realizes what she is doing,"No Mother, don't do this!" She takes the object and stabs herself in the stomach to give herself an abortion. "I can't keep living like this!" she cries, stabbing herself time and time again. Blood is staining her white satin tracksuit.

Titty hot dog is crying as she is only a six year old witnessing her first murder. She is hiding from the world under the table she was on while getting fucked. She fumbles while trying to get her bun to clothe herself before anyone sees her. She is mortified. She says to herself quietly, "I should've told Gerg he was my brother, if I had done that, I could have prevented all of this." She grabs the ketchup bottle and coats herself in the dark crimson substance and fakes her own death to get out of her situation.

Gerg realizes that titty hot dog had been quiet for far too long and stops trying to save his unborn siblings to check on her. He finds her lifeless titties on the floor beneath the table. "WHY? WHY MUST THIS HAPPEN? WHY DID TITTY HOT DOG HAVE TO DIE?" Gerg screams while holding his lover's lifeless body. His mother realizes what is going on and decides to try to comfort her son. Gerg cries out," DON'T TOUCH ME! LOOK WHAT YOU DID! If you had just stayed away, she would have lived!....she would've lived...." He cries, more than he's ever cried before. Tears are dripping down his face like a waterfall. He had never felt this way.

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