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Black. White. Nothing. Loneliness. 


What Gerg was feeling at this specific moment was empty. He lost his sister, who was also his lover, his unborn triplet siblings, and his happiness all because of his mother. Gerg cannot let this go on any longer. He must do something about it. "What..what should I do," Gerg contemplates. He finally makes a decision that he hopes is best.

"Mom," Gerg winces. "Yes darling," she responds. Gerg wraps his arms around his bloody mother and holds her like noone was bleeding out of their stomachs. His mother cries with joy, as her son finally loves her and accepted her back into his life. "Mom," Gerg whispered," come closer." Excited, his mother leans in closer. Gerg takes the knife from his mother's hands and stabs her to prevent any other misfortunes in his life.

Gerg stabs her over and over. Once Gerg is satisfied with his work, she has 633 stab wounds from her son and 33 from herself. Totaling to the satanic number, 666. Gerg paints her blood on his face and wears it as war paint and cuts out her veins to be reusable straws. Next, he skins her to make stickers to put on his favorite water bottle. Then, he cuts her hair and takes out her teeth to make friendship bracelets and necklaces in order to become his biggest dream. The most powerful VSCO girl. He summons the VSCO gods by repeating the summoning prayer, "SKSKSKSK and i oop- SKSKSKSK" several times while covering his mouth and smacking things with his hydroflask.

Gerg's depression lifeWhere stories live. Discover now