First kiss

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Before I fo this, here is something for Creepypasta_Fan1209
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                💋  hope you like it babe!
Jeff The Killer (Me)
You were thinking if you should have your first kiss with Jeff or not, you shrugged and continued your homework 'ok! So 105 ÷ 14 is 7.5' you thought, you were in the middle of doing your homework when your sister Rebecca came in "heyyyy sis~!" she said you groaned and looked at her "what is it now Rebecca?" You asked annoyed "your girlfriend is here" she skipped off 'GIRLFRIEND?! I don't have a girlfriend' you thought and went downstairs to see Jeff smiling while waving at you "nice house!" He said "thanks Jeff" you replied letting him in (Alright so in this story you have a house and you love with your sibling) Rebecca smiled while getting a glass of milk and went to the couch, she was watching her favourite video but you never payed attention to her. "Rebecca said you were my girlfriend" you said "...WHAT?!" Jeff screamed "yeah, I know" you sighed Jeff just looked at you shocked, you hugged him and he hugged back, Rebecca looked at you two 'ew! Gross' she thought. You and Jeff leaned in and kissed 'OMG OUR FIRST KISS!' You fangirled inside Rebecca was so grossed out she looked away 'GROSS!!!!!'she thought. Jeff took you to your room and let you do your homework while he fiddled around. He even watched you do your homework and helped you "hey Jeffy, can you be a cat?" You asked "eh, I don't like cats but ok!" He replied running around like a cat and he actually fell asleep on your fluffy red and white striped rug. After you were done everyone went to bed, but before you could sleep Jeff pounced on you and kissed you again falling asleep next to you.

(Ughhhh why am I doing thisss?!!!!)

You were walking in the Slender Woods when you bumped into something "hello!" A voice said, or looked up to seeee "SENDORMAN!!" You gasped you two played a lot when suddenly a girl was screaming while running, once she saw Splendor she hid behind him. Slender teleported to Splendy with his tentacles out "where is she?" He asked, he noticed you "oh! Hello sweetheart!" He 'smiled' if he could "hi hun!"You replied smiling "brother leave this girl alone! She's scared!" Splendorman said you recognized the girl, it was Sofia! Your bully, you glared at her and she just grinned "fine brother" Slender said and his tentacles disappeared, he held his hand out to you and you grabbed it, he took you to your bedroom "it's late you should sleep" he said sitting on your bed. You climbed onto your bed and kissed him, he kissed back and left, you smiled and fell asleep with a smile on your face (not a carved one Jeff The Killer fangirls!)

BEN Drowned
You were playing Tales Of Wind (Creepypasta_Fan1209 loves that game) you were killing everything in your way when the Tv suddenly turned off "WHAT THE FRUIT?!" You shouted (if you can guess where that phrase came from I'll give you a hug and a kiss for my gf) BEN popped out "hey baby! Cool game!" He grinned like a pervert "BEN get out of my phone!" You yelled at him "awwww but I like it!" He said going into your character (a girl) and killing while you just controlled him, "TAKE THAT!" You both shouted, "VICTORY IS MINE!" You and BEN screamed, he popped out of your phone when you put it down, you two were jumping around on the couch screaming happily when Alex came downstairs, BEN jumped into your phone and you just awkwardly grinned while waving at him "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?!" He shouted "12:40?" You asked he nodded "you should be asleep" you sighed and took your phone with BEN in it then walked into your room, closed the door and continued playing Tales Of Wind. You and BEN won and silently cheered. He popped out and kissed you, 'omg!' You thought, he pulled away and you looked at him in shock "that was my first kiss!" You whispered to him, "o-oh! Sorry" he whispered looking down and his ears dropped "and I was saving it for YOU" he looked up and his ears went up again. You two kissed and fell asleep in each other's arms. (Awww! How sweet! Although Creepypasta_Fan1209 is sweeter)

Ticci Toby
You were on your couch messing around with Toby's hair while he was asleep on your lap, you smiled and continued playing with his hair when he suddenly grabbed your arm and looked at you then took off his mouth guard and leaned in, you leaned in as well and you two kisses (I ran out of ideas =_=)

You were running around while Masky/Hoodie was chasing you "(Y/N)! GIMME BACK MY MASK!" He yelled "NEVER~!!!" You giggled. He soon caught up to you and tackled you "hey babe" he grinned "u-uhhhh" you couldn't say anything 'cause you were too embarrassed. "M-mind getting off?" You asked he shook his head and kissed you, you were surprised but kissed got lots of questions from (F/N) and Emily the very next day since they saw you. (Sorry it's short I couldn't think of anymore ideas. I think the two other ones will be short as well 😅)

Eyeless Jack
You were on the couch watching your most favourite anime ever (F/A) "I LOVE THIS ANIME!" You squealed, Jack walked by and saw what you were watching then watched without you noticing "omg why? WHY is nothing wrong?! WHY AM I SINGLE?"You asked yourself dramatically "(Y/N)? I am right here!" Jack said "oh!...sorry!" You said embarrassed. He took off his mask then kissed you, you were shocked at first but kissed back

Laughing Jack

(Same as E.J sorry)

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