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Dean Winchester gasped and opened his eyes, seeing nothing but dark and only two names in his mind.

Sammy. Cas.

He blinked, trying to recollect whatever he could. His mind was blank and no matter how hard he thought, he couldn't seem to remember anything. All he could see was dark all around him and that did nothing to aid his memory. With great effort, he turned his head to the side only to be greeted by the same menacing darkness.

Struggling to get up, he felt a sharp pain in his side. He moved his hands and felt blood. Clutching at his wound, he pushed himself to a sitting position only to hear something clatter to the ground. His eyes slowly adjusted to the dim moonlight that he had just realised was penetrating the cluster of trees that surrounded him. He picked up the fallen object and examined it closely.

Something about the long, silver knife that he held in his hands seemed familiar. He felt an ache inside him, like something he loved had been taken from him. He just couldn't remember what. Or who.

Slowly pushing himself to his feet wincing, he clutched the blade tightly as if his life depended on it. It was the only thing that could help him find out what had happened and how he had ended up in this cluster of trees. But he also knew that more than that, the reason he held onto the blade was his intuition telling him that this blade was special, connected to something or someone who had always been important to him.

Walking just a few steps consumed all his energy. He sank to his knees, clutching his side in agony. But he had an inexplicable sense of urgency, driven by those two names in his mind. "Sammy," he whispered to himself. He had abrupt feelings of fondness, amusement and worry in quick succession. These were quickly replaced by the same sense of urgency he had before. He got up and started walking slowly again, pulling his leather jacket tight around himself.

As he walked, he found himself thinking about the other name. Cas. For some reason, he felt a tug at his heart and a feeling of guilt and grief. "Who the hell is Cas?" he wondered as he made his way through the meandering forest. The name brought to him emotions that he had no idea where they came from. All he knew was that Cas was important. So was Sammy. He had to find them somehow.


Castiel got out of the old black car that most people made fun of nowadays. He didn't care. It was one of the only relics he had of his past life, his family who were now all gone. All his friends had gotten old and were dying or were already dead. He had just come back from Jody's funeral. He tried not to think about it, instead making up his mind to quickly take a bath and change before looking through the details of what he thought was possibly a case.

He walked into the bunker and threw his trench coat down on the nearest chair. He instinctively turned his head as he walked past the long wooden table. It had been thirty years and no matter how hard he always resolved, he could never help looking at the initials carved into the wood every time he walked past. And it broke his heart every time.
S. W.
D. W.

Clenching his jaw, he walked into his room, stripping and hopping into the shower. Fifteen minutes later, he was sitting on the bed with his laptop reading police reports about what he suspected were Demon attacks. The town was seven hours' drive away and he decided to leave right away. After all, Dean wouldn't have waited.


Castiel never admitted it to anyone but his green eyes haunted him everyday. Every day, Dean's voice echoed in his ears, quoting what he had said before he and Sam left to go after Chuck. His last words to Castiel.
"We'll be fine Cas. I need you to stay here. I'll be back, I promise."
"You broke your promise, Dean." Castiel whispered to himself. Even after thirty years, he still hadn't been able to come to terms with the fact that Dean and Sam had likely died. Every day, he felt more alone but he knew he had no choice but to carry on.

I've Got You, Cas (Destiel) Where stories live. Discover now