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A million thoughts were running through Castiel's mind all at once. He could barely fathom the sight in front of him. Meanwhile, Sam just stared blankly at him, showing no sign of recognition. Castiel took a step back, turned around and walked out of the room ignore all of Gabrielle's concerned questions.

Sam Winchester watched the vaguely familiar man in the trench coat walk out of the room. He turned his head to find himself plugged into a multitude of machines. He had a gnawing sense of urgency to get out and go after the man but he couldn't even think straight. He slumped back and passed out again.

Dean woke up in the middle of Nowhere. Literally. There was nothing around him. Only darkness. He tried to get up but his legs gave way beneath him and he fell back down. His head throbbed and he clutched tight at his hair, willing the headache to go away.
"Hello again, Dean!" It was the brown haired man again. "And welcome to the Empty! Just giving you a tour of the place you'll send your precious angel after you kill him."
"My angel?" Dean asked warily, trying to ward off suspicion.
"Yeah, Castiel. That pathetic child of mine who went and fell in love with you. You're going to kill him!" he said gleefully.
Shock coursed through Dean. He couldn't believe that Cas was in love with him. He didn't think he deserved to be loved by such an amazing person.
" Why would I kill Cas?"
" Because he killed your brother."
The man seemed to be enjoying this way too much.
"Cas didn't kill my brother. Who even are you?"
The man laughed.
"I'm the one who's responsible for shielding you and your brother from Castiel."
"What do you mean shield us?"
"Castiel may have a soft corner for you but that doesn't make him any less dangerous. He can and will hurt you for his own interests."
Dean refused to believe anything this man was saying and yet his thoughts wouldn't support him.
"Alright you son of a bitch this is your last chance for telling me who the hell you are."
The man smiled. "My name is Chuck. I'll see you again, Dean."
Dean blacked out.

Castiel ran out of the hospital and to the back. Seeing that he was alone, he leaned against a wall and tried to get his breath back and his wits about him again. Sam was back and didn't seem to remember him, just like Dean when he came back. Castiel was terrified. His instincts told him that both him and the Winchesters were in terrible danger and that Chuck had something to do with it. He slid down against the wall and took his head in his hands. He didn't know how long he stayed like that but after what seemed like hours he got up, dusted his trench coat and walked back into the hospital.

Gabrielle was sipping on some coffee when she spotted Castiel.
"Hey Clarence, you okay?"
Castiel gave her a weary smile. "Yes, I'm alright. I just had a little shock."
"Did you recognise him or something? You just seemed really freaked out when you saw him."
"Yeah, actually I do. He's uh... He's a friend of mine. He went missing a few years ago. We looked for him everywhere."
"Damn. That's sad. No wonder you were so shocked."
They sat in silence for a few minutes before Gabrielle spoke again.
"So what now? Are you gonna take him with you? What about your other friend?"
Cas was starting vacantly into space.
"Yes, I'll take him," he finally answered. "And I'll wait for my other friend to recover. I'm not leaving here without him."
"Fait enough." She got up and walked away, leaving Castiel alone with his thoughts again.

Dean came back to his senses. He tried turning his head and winced. He lay still for a few minutes before turning his head with great effort. He looked around and found himself in a white room, plugged into various machines. Oh crap, I'm in a freaking hospital. I need to find Cas. He stopped thinking abruptly. The conversation with Chuck played in his head. No, Cas can't have killed Sam. He can't have. He's the kindest person I've ever known. I need to talk to him.
"Cas." Dean rasped weakly. "Cas!"

Castiel was sitting alone, his mind blank when a doctor came up to him.
"It's your friend. He's conscious."
Cas got up and rushed to where Dean was being kept. He walked into the hospital room and found him frantically muttering his name.
"Hello Dean."
"Cas, we need to talk."
"You need rest, Dean."
"The hell with rest, man! I don't care. I need to talk to you."
Cas sighed. He sat down next to him, resigned.
"What is it, Dean?"
"Did you kill Sam?"
"Did you kill my brother, Cas?"
"What made you think that, Dean?"
"Answer the question, goddammit!" Dean shouted.
Cas was taken aback. Dean's anger had always scared him because he knew that his anger always stemmed from hurt.
"No, Dean. I did not."
"Where is he then?"
"He's alive. In fact, he is in this very hospital."
"What? How?"
"A woman found him and brought him here."
Dean nodded. "I'm sorry, Cas."
"It's alright. Now rest. We'll talk later."
Castiel walked out, wondering what made Dean think that he'd killed Sam. The feeling of terror returned, stronger than ever.

Sam Winchester was finally awake again. His mind was racing. He hated being alive. Years of unpleasant, horrifying and miserable memories flashed in front of his eyes. Two words were running through his mind, amplifying themselves with every passing second, consuming every other thought rapidly, running like an endless chant through his head.
Kill Castiel.
Kill Castiel.
Kill Castiel.

I know it's been really long since I updated and I'm really sorry about that :(
I had exams and stuff. But from now I hope I'll be able to find more time to write and update. Thank you all of you for putting up with me. Hope y'all like this chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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