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Cas watched in fear as Dean slumped back against the seat, eyes glowing red and then the light fading, the green staring vacantly ahead. He felt for his pulse. It was dangerously low. Without wasting time on thinking, he drove on keeping a look out for the nearest hospital. After about half an hour of driving, he pulled into a small hospital and carried Dean out on his shoulder.
"Hold on, Dean. I've got you."

He walked in shouting for a doctor. Dean was immediately rushed to the emergency room as Cas anxiously explained the doctor that Dean had fainted out of the blue. The doctor nodded and asked him to wait. Cas took a few steps back and leaned against the wall, myriad emotions running through him. Pain, fear and anxiety coursed through him and he was lost in his thoughts until he heard a meek voice.

"Did your friend suddenly faint too?" a petite woman with black hair said. She had a small face and soft features. Not conventionally pretty but a lot of people found her attractive all the same.
"Yes. We were sitting in his car, talking when all of a sudden he blacked out."
"I see. The same thing happened with him. I found him wandering two days ago. He said he'd just woken up and didn't remember anything. I took him with me and fed him. He seemed on edge and kinda out of his mind. I tried to calm him down and that's when he fainted. He's been out ever since. The doctors say his pulse is very low and they think he might go into a coma."

Cas listened with growing unease. A part of him felt that whatever the woman was saying was somehow important but he was too worried about Dean to pay much attention to her words. He nodded and wished her friend a speedy recovery before walking over to a seat and slumping down on it.

Dean woke up. He expected to find himself in the Impala next to Cas, not in the middle of a damn forest. He sat up and looked around, squinting at the sudden bright sunlight streaming through the trees. His head hurt and his vision was blurry. He sat there for a few minutes, adjusting to his surroundings. He finally hoisted himself up and immediately stumbled. Catching himself before he fell, he leaned against a tree for a few minutes. Finally, he pushed himself onto his feet and began making his way forward, his steps unsure.

He walked for what felt like hours. Finally, he came across the Impala. He heaved a sigh of relief. He looked around for Cas but didn't see him anywhere. He reached for his cell phone, only to find his pocket empty. Sighing in frustration, he got into the car and began to drive. He drove along the long, winding road for quite some time before he saw a man waving his arms at him in the distance. As he  neared the man, he slowed down and warily pulled over.

Cas was making calls. Every healer and shaman he called said that they couldn't help him. He slumped back into his seat, dejected. Seeing no other option, he dialled another number, one he never wanted to call.

"Castiel. What a pleasure." a voice with a thick accent came from the other end.
"To what do I owe this pleasure?"
"I need help."
"What could you possibly want from me?"
"It's about Dean."
The line went quiet. Cas waited anxiously for a reply. Just as he was about to hang up, he heard the other man's voice.
"Dean. Dean Winchester ?"
"He's dead. Goodbye Castiel."
The line went dead.

Cas was tempted to throw his phone across the hospital lobby. Instead, he sank his head into his hands.
The woman looked up from reading her magazine. She saw the trench coated man getting off the phone looking utterly dejected. Putting the magazine down, she walked across the corridor and sat down beside him.
"Is it your friend?" she asked kindly.
Castiel didn't say anything.
'It's alright. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm Gabrielle, by the way. "
Castiel looked up and gave her a small smile.
Gabrielle kept making small talk for the rest of the afternoon. Castiel listened, welcoming the distraction.

The man had brown hair and a beard. Dean got out of the car and walked up to him.
"Hello Dean! Remember me?"
"Who are you?"
"Come ON! You're so boring! You and Sam used to be my favourite story at a point of time. Look at you now. So... Ordinary."
"Who the Hell are you?"
The man laughed.
"Well, I'm bored so I'm going to have some fun with you. Come here."
He moved forward and touched Dean briefly on the head and Dean blacked out again.

Two days had gone by since Dean had been brought to the hospital. Castiel was nowhere close to finding a way to help him. Gabrielle had gone out to get some coffee. Cas was trying desperately to recall all that he had read in the various books in the bunker, racking his brain for anything useful.
"Gabrielle Juin ?" A voice called out.
Cas looked up and saw a doctor.
"She went out to get coffee."
"You with her?"
"Sort of."
"Well then, come along. He's awake."

Cas followed the doctor to the third room on the left.
"He's inside."
Castiel stepped in. He took a look at the man and stepped back in shock.
Just then, Gabrielle walked in.
"Oh hey, Clarence!"
She looked at the man on the bed.
"Oh look! You're awake! Clarence, meet – "
She stopped at the look on Castiel's face.

Castiel's gaze was fixed on the man in front of him.
Sam Winchester's brown eyes were staring back at him from the bed.


I'm so so sorry I haven't updated for this long. I had writer's block and shortage of time :(
I promise I'll try to update much more from now.
Love y'all :)

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