Remember Me (Part 1)

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A/N Small amount of Mature content in this one, more angst and fluff in this one

Tessa backed into the corner of her cell sinking to her knees. She covered her ears with her hands in a futile attempt to block out the crashes and screams coming from the floors above her. The floor shook ominously once again, dust falling from the ceiling.

She'd overheard the guards shouting as they ran down the corridor, abandoning their posts as they fled in fear. The Avengers were here.

Tessa screamed scrambling away from the outer wall as a particularly loud bang sounded and the wall began to crumble.

Blood pouring down her face where she'd been struck by flying debris she huddled by the door with her hands over her head and face. Through her fingers she glimpsed a figure leaping through the gaping hole in the outer wall, landing lightly on her feet in front of her.

Wanda looked around at the squalid room, spying the woman at her feet and rushing over to kneel next to her.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

Tessa recognised that voice, peeking up through her hands she sighed in relief and surprise. "Wanda?"

"Tessa, oh my god Tessa, thank goodness I've been so worried. Come on let's get you out of here"

Wanda leapt up pulling Tessa to her feet before throwing her arms around her, holding her close "I can't believe I found you"

Silent tears ran down Tessa's face as she clung to her friend "Is...Is P..Pietro here too?" She asked forcing down the lump in her throat.

Wanda pulled back giving her friend a sad look, her eyes tearing and shaking her head "No I lost him in Sokovia"

Tessa's face fell, the joy she felt at the unexpected reunion short lived, replaced with sadness as the wind was knocked from her body "Oh Wanda I'm so sorry"

Another bang sounded outside making both the women duck and swivel on their heels to peer out the gaping hole in the building.

Ironman appeared in the gap "Time to go witchy"

Spotting the woman huddled behind the witch, Tony lifted his faceplate shooting her a reassuring smile "Need a ride?"

Wanda nodded pulling Tessa round and pushing her into Tony's arms.

"Hold tight love" Tony shouted as he sped away from the building, looking back once to confirm that Wanda was following "Anytime FRIDAY"

The building imploded behind them, yet another Hydra base taken down at the hands of the Avengers and Tessa was finally free.

They landed in a clearing next to the Quinjet a short distance from the now smoking rubble that was once a building. The Black Widow and Hawkeye burst through the treeline "A bit of warning would be nice Stark" spat Clint storming into the jet to prep for take-off.

Tony gently placed Tessa on the ground, Wanda quickly scooted forward to wrap a supportive arm around her friend as she wobbled, her head throbbing.

He strode towards a murderous looking Black Widow faceplate and arms up "What?"

Wanda rolled her eyes at his retreating form, turning to look back at Tessa as she swayed alarmingly, turning a delicate shade of green in the process.

"Woah, steady now, let's get that cut looked at"

Steve jogged down the gangway to the jet spotting Wanda and Tessa he ran straight over. "Everything ok ladies?" He asked a concerned, his gaze falling to Tessa's pale face and lingering on the nasty gash on her forehead.

"Never better" Tessa whispered smiling weakly and swaying on the spot.

"Let's get you sat down" Steve said gently lowering her to the floor "Buck get the Med kit" he called over his shoulder as he knelt next to her "Hi, I'm Steve, what's your name?"

"Tessa" she muttered thickly as her vision started to blur. Despite being sat on the ground the world was still swaying more than it should be.

The hulking figure of Steve's best friend appeared over his shoulder, clutching the emergency medical supplies they stored in the aft bulkhead.

Tessa blinked as her vision swam trying to focus on the newcomer. Eyes widening, her breath hitching in her throat "Bucky?" she whispered.

Abruptly she lost focus falling sideways as everything went dark, Wanda calling her name.

Tessa could hear a familiar muffled voice but couldn't make out what they were saying. It was deep, rumbling and saying things in a foreign tongue. She found it strangely soothing even though she didn't understand, the voice sounded gentle.

Her senses began to return one by one, a female voice saying her name, a sharp pain in her forehead as she felt something soft and wet against her wound, and the metallic taste and smell of blood.

Eyelids fluttering open, wincing against the harsh light she looked up into kind ocean blue eyes. Eyes she'd seen before but couldn't place momentarily. Suddenly it all came flooding back, she remembered those eyes, but they'd been emotionless, icy and blank as she'd screamed for him to stop.

His hand stilled as saw recognition overtake confusion in her eyes as they widened. He heard her heart start to beat erratically and felt her body begin to tremble against him. Quickly he dropped his arm and leaned away in time for her to shoot sideways, scrambling away from him with a yelp into a corner.

Tessa cowered away from him, her terrified eyes never leaving his face. Wanda was at her side in an instant "It's ok Tessa, it's ok, you're safe"

Bucky's face remained impassive, reflecting no surprise at her sudden reaction to his proximity, just sadness. He quietly stood and moved to the front of the jet, out of her line of sight not wishing to cause her anymore distress than he already had today or before.

Steve watched the exchange between them, a slight frown creasing his brow. Standing he moved to Bucky's side "She knows you?"

It was less of a question than a statement, Bucky nodded, his jaw clenched tight against the memories.

"Who is she?" Steve asked gently, noting the sadness creeping into his best friends' eyes.

"I don't remember" Bucky lied smoothly, shaking his head and looking away.

Steve always knew when Bucky was lying, today was no different but he didn't push, instead he joined Wanda on the floor next to the shaking woman.

"It's ok, he's not who you think he is, not anymore" Steve murmured, trying to calm her.

Tessa blinked, looking up into the sky-blue eyes of Captain America "Who is he then?" She whispered.

"His name is Bucky, he's my best friend. He's an avenger now, he would never hurt you"

Tessa calmed slightly looking to Wanda for confirmation, who nodded her head smiling in reassurance "You're safe" she repeated.

She looked back to Steve "He's Bucky again?"

Steve glanced at Wanda who carefully avoided his gaze, she knew what was going on too but was no more willing to enlighten the Captain than Bucky was.

He nodded at the scared woman "Yes again" he confirmed carefully.

Steve watched as she visibly relaxed, sagging against the wall of the Quinjet "Thank god" she whispered, as Steve frowned.

What had happened between them?

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