An Unforgetable Anniversary (Hongbin)

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Today was your anniversary. You were one year together! Hongbin told you he would be back before 8 o'clock to celebrate with you, but outside it was completely dark and time had passed these four hours so slowly, that you were ready to pull your hair out of your head. "He forgot you once again..." you whispered to yourself. "Even on our anniversary..." you were so disappointed in him.

You were sitting on your bed these past four hours disbelieving what was happening. All dressed up with your perfect make up on and all the kind of things girls do when it's a special day. Fours hours ago someone could claim that you were the happiest girl in the world and it would be totally true. Just thinking about your date, after one month of not-dating-because-of-work made you excited. Because of these feelings now you were the most miserable and angry person in the whole world.

You heard the door downstairs open(s) and footsteps, well known to you, getting closer and closer. As his footsteps were getting closer and closer, you were getting more and more angrier than before. Your bedroom's door cracked a little as it opened and your Hongbin's head popped out.

"Jaqiya~, I 'm back!" he announced with a cheerful tone. That was it! He had completely forgotten about your date. Before you start shouting, you hold in just a little longer your anger so you could get at least some answers. "Oh! Welcome back..." Hongbin came in and right now he stand in front of you, with a smirk he gives you a quick peck on your lips.

"Hongbin~ah, where were you till now?" you asked calmly.

"What do you mean? At the practise room the whole day! It was exhausting...."

"Do you think that you might have forgotten something really important today?" you were still patient. He stared in your face for some seconds.

"Your hair looks specially great today. Did you do something?" he said innocently.

That was it. Enough was enough! "How could you forget about OUR ANNIVERSARY?!" you screamed. You caught him off guard and he took some steps back at your irritated voice. He had frozen on the spot. " It's not the first time. It happened many times before BUT this time it's unforgivable. I can't take it anymore!" you spoke your mind.

"____.... calm down. Let's talk it through" he tried to calm you down

" No! Enough already! How can you be so irresponsible. It's not everything about work. If it was you should have tell me before hand"

" You know that's not true. But I can't also give up on my dreams. I admit I'm in fault, but it wasn't on purpose. "

" You are not even sorry! " you said

"Will you even listen to me?"

"NO!" you replied

"You're not in your right mind right now. I'll sleep at the dorm tonight" and he started walking back to the door. You followed him downstairs.

" Four hours Hongbin! For FOUR WHOLE HOURS! I was waiting and believing you'll come any moment, but no! you were really distracted. "

" Can you stop please? " he told as he was putting on his shoes.


"Because you are being paranoid! It's not like we can't go on another date!"

"It's THE day" you replied.

"It's just a day like all the others". His word hurt you deeply <<...a day like all the others...>>. The day he asked you to be his girlfriend... the day you confessed to each other your feelings...the day he....kissed you....

"You know what..." you said "don't come back" your tone was cold, you felt like something had died in you.

"Don't worry I won't." and he closed the door with a big "BANG!" behind him.

That was when you break down with unstoppable tears burning your eyes....

________________ONE WEEK LATER________________

This whole time you didn't got out of you apartment. You didn't go to school. You didn't pick up your bestie's calls or answering your doorbel's irritating bell. You couldn't remember the last time you ate or what. It must have been longer that eight hours 'cause you were filling your stomach pretty much empty. You bestie was coming to check on you the first three days, she was the only one who knew what had happened. But because of you she was skipping school/college, so you told her not to come anymore. But even though you told her that she was coming anyway. Yesterday you let her outside until she left. You were sure she wouldn't come back, except if you call her, "but that won't happen until I become once again myself" you though.

"DING!DONG!DING!DONG!" you heard the doorbell.

"Persistent as always "you though. It rang about six times and after you got annoyed you made your way to the door.

" what do you wan-" you were caught off by the sight of an unexpected visitor.

"So you were home...." he somehow announced

"Hongbin-ah..." your voice cracked. You were persuaded that you had already seeded every single tear you got but new were filling your eyes and you vision became blur.

"Hey... hey.... "______~ah" don't cry" he told you as he made his way in and hugged you tightly.

"I...can't..." you replied


"Because I said things...which I didn't mean... and now....I regret it 'cause....... I lost you" your breath was heavy and your tears didn't make it any easier to talk. Your head was leaned on his chest as the one hand of his was holding dearly your head and the other one was going up and down brushing your back, trying to calm you down.

"No, you didn't babe" he said " as you said I am unforgivable for forgetting our special day" with his hand on your jaw he made you look up, straight into his eyes. Your eyes were shining because of the tears and your cheeks had turned into a light pink.

"Please...." he said " let me make it up to you". You glued your bodies together, as you brushed your fingers through his hair pulling him to come as closer as possible it was. At first you shared a passionate kiss....

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