Why is He/She Staring At You In Class? 👀

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Sorry for the longer ones today, I'm in a write-y mood right now ☺️

§ They know their crush has feeling for you, they envy you, they're staring longingly in your direction wondering 'why can't I be you?' §

§ They think they like you and are trying to figure out why. They look at you wondering what about you is causing them to feel the longing that they do §

§ They saw as you saved an innocent civilian from a non-villain disaster while walking to school that morning and they can't stop thinking about it, maybe they caught feelings? §

§ They find comfort in looking at you, apparently you simply being around is peaceful to them §

§ Look, they're in love, that's that. They're just head over heels for you mate, idk what else you want §

§ They like you and are trying to find out how to tell you, they're having trouble figuring out what to say to you and they keep overthinking the possibilities §

§ They like you but can only watch from a distance, they could never imagine telling you, and for whatever reason, they feel as if there is no hope of ever being with you. In their eyes, you've become the sun §

§ It was something you said.. you gave a remarkable answer to a question and it caused them to remember just how amazing of a person you truly are. They're stuck in their fantasies of just how genuinely great you are... it seems they've caught feelings without realizing §

§ Their staring is nothing new, it's been commonplace for quite some time now. Since the moment they saw you they've found you attractive, a ruby standing out in a bundle of diamonds. You've caught their eye from the moment they saw you, and you know it too §

§ They did some regrettable to you and they feel bad about it. They genuinely wish they could take it back, but for now they're left staring at you, simply dreaming of forgiveness §

§ They're mad at you for something you said that they didn't agree with but can't say anything since you are in class. They usually think that you're pretty cool, but this time what you said hit them hard, they know you didn't mean to hurt them, but they'd still like to have a few words with you §

§ They want to compliment you but are unsure of what to say. They deeply look up to you and today they simply have the urge to say something to you. They're scanning you for something to say that won't make it awkward §

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