Who Do You Ask On A Date? Their Response? (Part 1) (Females) 💋

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Some may be longer than others, also, this is only part one with the first 6 zodiac because I wanted to get a post out today, I will try to have the other 6 done as soon as I can. Thank you!

My. Fingers. Hurt.

§ You enter U.A's Development Studio and approach Mei Hatsume to ask her out on a date. Mei's eyes widened for a second, she then shut her eyes happily as she smiled and said "Nope!". You thought 'that was that' as you were about to leave, feeling down from that quick rejection, when suddenly Mei says something that stops you in your tracks. "How about you go on a date with me though?" She spoke in a loud and assertive voice. You turn around confused thinking that you were rejected, then you remembered that it was Mei Hatsume you were talking to, no one takes control of that woman. In short, you two went on a date. §

§ After class, you decided to approach Toru Hagakure and finally admit to her what you'd been thinking for quite a while now. You call out to get her attention and she walks over to you. "Hey Y/n, Need Something?" Hagakure spoke optimistically. You respond "Yeah um, I was wondering if you'd go on a date with me..?". You look into where you believe Hagakure's eyes are located while nervously awaiting her response. Though it's difficult to tell, she appears shocked. She replies "O-oh.. chuckles, y/n, I-I'm really sorry!! I just don't feel that way about you, please don't be upset!!" Toru hugs you and reassures you not to feel bad. Additionally, she informs you that this won't change things between the two of you as friends. §

§ Today was the day, after what felt like a lifetime of crushing on a girl named Mina Ashido you were finally going to do something about it! You ran through the crowd of students heading home until you finally saw Mina who was heading towards the train station. You caught up to her and quickly placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her. She turned her head to see you, you look up into her eyes still trying to catch your breath. She turns her body to you looking confused "Y/n? What's up?". Mina stood there as she waited for you to catch your breath, finally you stood up and looked her straight in the eyes, gathering the confidence of 1,000 lions, you said "Mina Ashido, will you go out on a date with me?" in the best formal tone you could muster. Ashido jumped, having been caught off-gaurd, gave widened eyes filled with shock. Suddenly her expression quickly changed to smiling with closed eyes as she wrapped her arms around you and squeezed "yes, Yes, YES!!" she exclaimed. When you two finished hugging she backed off with a large smile as the both of you sorted out the details. §

§ You've been crushing on Nejire Hado class 3-A from the Big Three for a little over a year now, and you've decided that it's time to suck it up and say something, you can't keep living in your feelings forever after all. You approach Nejire in the hall and ask if you could have a moment, she tells Mirio and Tamaki to go on ahead. "So Y/n, what did you need?" Nejire asked in a casual but bubbly tone. "Nejire-San... I uh.. know this is uncalled for, but I just really needed to finally ask you if you'd go on a date with me." You say, trying your best to keep eye contact with Nejire. Nejire looks shocked for a second, though her face fades into a sympathetic look as she scruffs your hair with her hand and looks into your eyes, "I'm really sorry Y/n.. please don't be sad though!". She rushes off to class after giving you a jumpy hug. §

§ It's 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday in the dorms and everyone else is either in their rooms or out doing their own thing. In the meantime time, you and Tsuyu Asui are just having a casual conversation on the couches in the living area to pass the time. You have fun talking with Tsu, and for a few months now you've realized that you have feelings for her, but how do you tell that to someone that you're sure isn't interested? "Y/n..... Y/n?" Tsu breaks your thought. "oh! sorry Tsu, I got distracted there for a moment" you say. "I could tell ribbit, is something wrong Y/n?" Tsu croaked. You shuttered as you became visibly nervous... is now the time? You decide to go for it "No! Everything's, alright. Though um.. hey Tsuyu, could I ask you something?", Tsuyu seemed confused as well as taken-aback by the full use of her first name, "Hm? Sure Y/n" she then tilted her head "but why did you use my complete first name?". You take a deep breath before staring straight into her majestic green eyes "Tsuyu I.. wanted to know if you would go on a date with me". Her figure became shocked as you continue to stare into her eyes awaiting an answer. Tsu quickly calmed and returned the gaze, "Y/n, ribbit of course I will" Tsuyu spoke. You both gave a small smile, light pink brushed upon each of your faces as you began to work out the details. §

§ Ah, you've set you're sights on the infamous Momo Yaoyorozu. You know she'll probably never like you the way you like her, but you just can't help it. You don't just like her, you've fallen for her, and today is the day she finds out. You and Yaomomo have been friends for quite some time now and you want her to know how you feel. "Yes.. today is it, today is the day I tell her!" you mumbled to yourself as you were walking to class. You go about the rest of your day with a positive attitude, trying your best not to think about all the bad things that could happen, until finally the end of the day approaches. Most of the class was hanging around in the living quarters of the dorm, you approached Yaoyorozu and asked her to meet you behind the dorm building when she could, you then headed there and waited for her arrival. You had began to think that she wasn't going to come, until suddenly you watched as long, beautiful black hair swung around the side of the building, not being trapped by her usual ponytail it flowed wonderfully. "Hello Y/n, it's getting pretty late, what did you want to see me for so suddenly?" she said almost nervously. You didn't have time for small talk, you had been waiting all day and you finally had to get it out.. and so you did, "Momo Yaoyorozu, Will you pleasegoonadatewithme!?" you asked too quickly for anyone to understand "What was that Y/n?" Yaoyorozu asked confused. "Will you, um.. Momo Yaoyorozu, will you go on a date with me?" you looked up nervous and trembling into her deep gray eyes, her eyes widen and her figure became shaken, there was clearly red sweeped across her cheeks. You were almost certain she was going to reject you, you were preparing to make a run for it when suddenly she replied "Y-yes..". You look up to your blushing friend in complete shock.. 'she actually agreed!?' you pondered. You smiled, but needed to be sure one last time, "You really mean it?" you question, "Yes, Y/n, I- I'd love to go on a date with you.." she averted her gaze, even redder than before as you went closer and wrapped your arms around her, stuffing your face into her neck. The both of you were filled with happiness, you two retreated back into the dorms to sort out the details. §

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