I honestly don't know what to name this one.

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{Allison} and I walked down the crowed hallway and towards the stairs, talking to each other over the voices of the other students. The talking stopped when {Allison} saw a certain head of blonde hair up ahead, descending the stairs so that he could get onto the bus.

"Hold on" She said with a hurried voice, grabbing my wrist as she shuffles pass everyone, myself in tow. Although she was the shortest of all of my friends, the fact that {Daniel} was down a few steps helped ensure that, when she kicked out her foot towards the boy, she was able to land a solid kick to his rear.

He turns around, both confused and offended, only to see {Allison} hopping on one foot and soothing her toes on the other. "Jesus Christ, {Daniel}. You have buns of steel!"

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