RabbitTank: Build's red and blue primary/default Best Match form accessed from the Rabbit and Tank Fullbottles, hence known as the Moonsault of Steel. Themed after a rabbit and a tank.
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HawkGatling: Build's orange and gray Best Match form accessed with the Taka and Gatling Fullbottles, hence known as the Rampage of the Skies. Themed after a hawk and gatling gun.
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RocketPanda: Build's snow white and light blue Best Match form accessed with the Panda and Rocket Fullbottles, hence known as the Flying Monotone. Themed after a panda and rocket.
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PirateTrain (KaizokuRessya): Build's azure and lime green Best Match form accessed with the Kaizoku and Densya Fullbottles, hence known as the Punctual Rebel. Themed after a pirate and a train.
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