Origins {PART 2}

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Before we start: 

This is Y/n's school bag in case you're all wondering

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This is Y/n's school bag in case you're all wondering


Previously on A Tale of Cats & Dogs... 

"Did you capture the Akuma?" He said as he munched on a brownie.

"What's capturing the Akuma got to do with the other stone beings?"

"An Akuma can multiply, that's why it must be captured. If the boy's emotions become negative again, then the Akuma will turn him back into Stoneheart! He'll control all the stone beings and bring them to life to serve as his army!"

"Is there anything I can do about it"

"Well usually Ladybug has to do it, but you can too. You can use your staff as a net and catch all of them. but sadly you can't this time. It's all up to Ladybug."

"I can only come in when it's out of hand huh, well I hope Ladybug is up for it too"

"Me too Y/n, Me too" 


Adrien and I were trying to sneak to get to school successfully, hoping this time we could make it. When we turned into a corner I started to smell something funny. I stopped Adrien. 

"What's that smell? rotten cheese?" Adrien began to sweat as he shook his head. 

"You must be smelling something else, come on. we have to hurry before they figure it out." I nodded and tried to forget about the smell as we began running again. We finally made it to the School front again, but like before Natalie yelled at us. 

"Adrien! Y/n! Don't do this! Your father and GodFather will be furious!" I looked at her pleadingly. 

"Tell him you got here too late. Please!" Natalie sighed as we walked in. Soon Chloé saw us and screamed. 

"Adrikins! Bestie n/n! (Nickname)"   Chloé hugged both of us as the rest of the kids soon recognized us and began to bombard us. We walked to class with Chloe grabbing both of our arms in between us as we signed magazines real quickly. 

"Wow. This is your seat, Adrikins. I saved it for you. Right in front of me!" Chloé then went to the level above it. "And you, N/n sit right next to me!"   I sat down as a red-haired girl came. 

"But Chloe I thought I was going to sit there..." I felt bad and got up with my bag. 

"Only people like me─  "  I interrupted Chloé and moved out of the way so the red-haired girl could sit where I could've sat. 

"Go ahead, I'm a front girl anyways," I said with a smile as the girl nodded and thanked me as I sat next to Adrien who sat next to a guy with headphones. 

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