Stormy Weather

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Adrien and I were shooting a photoshoot at the park. I had just finished my solo shots and now Adrien was taking his solos with the photographer. 

"Magnifico! Super! Come on now, I want to see hunger in your eyes!" The photographer, Vincent exclaimed as one of the make artists were fanning me so I won't get my blush smudged by the sweat, it was a really hot day. I only wear a small amount of blush and concealer to make my skin shine while it's on camera since I'm, quote 'a naturally élégante beauté'.  While I was getting fanned, both Adrien and I noticed Marinette, Alya, and a little girl. I quickly grinned and waved as Adrien did the same before Vincent snapped at him to pay attention.

" Bravo! That's it! Give me the smile when your mom brings in spaghetti! Okay! And now, Oh no! Mama dropped the spaghetti! And now, you have to eat the spaghetti off the floor! Oh yes, you're angry! Show me angry, yes, yes, yes!" Vincent exclaimed happily as he went all around Adrien taking pictures. 

"Marinette!" the little girl screamed as both Adrien, my make up artist, and Vincent looked at the little girl. 

"Ngh! Silenzio!" Vincent said in frustration. I saw marinette and the little girl leave to go somewhere as everyone went back to what we were doing. 

"What do you think upset that little girl?" I asked my make up artist, Natasha. 

"I'm guessing she really wanted that balloon since she's dragging that classmate of yours there" Natasha said as she quickly tied her long red hair up so she would feel cooler. I looked at the extra fan on the table-meant for Adrian- and picked it up fanning Natasha who looked at me with a grin. "You never really get the concept of your the star and I'm the mere employee working for you" 

"Your not just a mere employee, your like a big sister, best make up artist I've ever met. plus, if your going to fan me till I go back to photoshooting, I'm fanning you." 


"No buts, your human, you get hot too" Natasha sighed and rolled her green eyes.

"Oh no, no! The boy has eaten too much spaghetti! Ugh, we need more energy! More romance! We need...a girl!" I sighed as Natasha helped me up without wrinkling the grey oversized shirt i was wearing tucked into blue shorts as she grabbed my shoulder and looked at my face seeing if something's off before smiling satisfied as she pushed my hair back that was curled by Antonio. Vincent looked at me impatiently. 

"Well? Ms.Y/n, Hurry! My time is too precious to waste"  I got up and walked over to Adrien and who amusingly grinned. 

"You heard him, N/n. Don't let his 'precious' time go to waste" He said teasingly as I scoffed and rolled my eyes with a smile. Before I could sit my self next to Adrien, A new akuma began attacking as we both gasped and ran our separate directions. I went over to my tent-where I get ready for the photoshoot- and looked around to look for Alpha. 

"Alpha! Come on! paris needs Lady Fox!" 

"Paris can wait! The premiere of The Flash can't!" I heard his voice from somewhere in the corner of the room, in one of the boxes. Where can he even watch- I gasped and checked my pockets. He took my phone! 

"Alpha!" I yelled warningly. I thought for a second before grinning as I went over to Natasha's desk-she keeps all my snack in a drawer- and took out a packet of brownies I had asked her to bring and opened it as I held it up high. In just a 2 seconds- new record for Alpha- he got attached to my hand trying to pull the brownie out if it. I smirked at Alpha with a raised eyebrow as I let him take the brownie. 

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