Chapter 17: Xavier

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I woke up with a major headache feeling groggy and irritable. I can hardly open my eyes. Once I get my eyes open I freak out. I don't even know where I am at. I don't even remember what happened. All I see is that I am in some type of cellar.

I look down at my hands and see that I am tied up with zip ties. Oh great, how am I supposed to get out of these? It doesn't stop me from trying. My wrist feels like they are on fire trying to break free.

I hear footsteps coming from somewhere. I really just want to get out of here before whoever that is comes. But I'm not lucky enough. Whoever they were stood off into the shadow just staring.

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" 

They didn't say anything they just stood still. Watching me from the same spot. Then everything came back to me. I remember I went out to go see a movie. As I was walking my car I felt someone following me. As soon as I reached my car. 

"Xavier," I whispered. That's all I could remember before I passed out.

"Not quite." 

He came moving from the shadows. 

"Eli what are you doing? Why am I here?" 

He ignored my questions and walked over to me. He grabbed my face and looked over it. I tried to move away but that just made him screech harder. He moved some of my hair out of my face.

"Eli please." 

I plead with him as tears came down my face. He wiped my face and I so badly wanted to smack his hand away. 

"It's okay. It's going be okay we can finally be together. I promise."

He went over somewhere and brought back a bottle of water. 

"Here drink up. I have to go now but I will be back." 

I didn't want to drink a thing. Who knows what's in that bottle. 

"Come drink for me." 

"No, just let me go." 

He pours some of it my mouth and I spit it back out on his face.

"Listen up. I don't want to hurt you but if you don't behave we are going to have a problem. Now drink up." 

I didn't budge. He pulled my head back by the back of my head pouring the drink down my throat causing me to choke on it.

"See not that hard. I'll be back later. I have to handle a few things. I'll try not to be too long. I'll even have a surprise for you when I get back. You will love it. I just know you will."

My eyes were getting heavy as he kept talking. I couldn't hear anything else he was saying. I knew something was in that water. He started to fade out as he walked closers to the stairs. He said something to me before he left but I couldn't make it out. I blacked out again.

I woke up again in the room alone. I can't believe this is happening to me. Aaliyah was right. I'm the real-life Nacy from Nightmare on Elm Street. All this time I thought I was falling for the guy of my dreams. Turns out he was the one stalking me. Now I have been Kidnapped.

I pray that I can get out of it. Maybe if I play nice I can escape somehow. I have to come up with a plan to escape but the number one thing I need to stay alive.

Xavier's brother walked down to the basement. He came over to me and started rubbing my face with the back of his hand. I cringed at his touch. I just wished he would stop touching me.

"I knew that I had to have you when I first saw you come in at the tree farm." 

"Please just let me go." 

"I'm sorry I can't do that. Don't worry Xaiver will be here soon."

"Xavier, what are you talking about why would he becoming?" 

"Oh, he didn't tell you did he." 

"Tell me what?" 

"All of this was his idea. The whole plan down to the very last detail. Even him pretending to date you." 

"You're lying." 

"Believe what you want."

He had to be lying. Xavier wouldn't do that to me. He loved me. I know we have only known each other for a short amount of time but. It's true he did.


We were walking through the park looking at all the Christmas lights. Even everything that was going on we still decided to do this at night. Xavier wanted to show me that no matter what is going on I shouldn't let it control me. To still go out and enjoy life. He didn't really have to because I felt safe with him.

"Kyle I know it's only been a short amount of time. I feel like its been forever. Like I've known you for years." 

"Xavier, what are you trying to say?" 

"I've grown to like you a lot." 

"Really you have grown to like," I said rolling my eyes at him. 

Why can't guys ever say how they truly feel. I pulled away from him and started to walk off. 

"You did not bring me out here and stop to talk about how you really like me." 

He grabbed my arm pulling back to him kissing me in the process. He pulled away and stared into my eyes. 

"I love you." 

There just know what Xaiver would do all of this. What would be his purpose?

"I thought you said Xavier was coming?" 

"He, He uh he can't make it right now. But he doesn't matter at this moment."

I started to get a feeling that he was lying about the whole thing. Xavier knew nothing about what his brother has been up to this whole time. It was just something about the way he was acting.

Xavier would never do anything like this. I know that I haven't known him for long but I just know in my heart and mind that he would never do anything to hurt me.

He was kind and gentle.

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