Chapter 1 Meeting The Love Of My Life

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                          Author's Note
Hey everybody it's me Valens17 uh I just wanna let you all know that this fanfic is being written at the request of a friend of mine so that's why it's being written so you can read if you like and comment on it let me know what you all think thanks guys enjoy the story bye now

Chavez's POV: I'll never forget it for as long as I live there I was lying on the ground bleeding out from a fatal gunshot wound to my stomach I didn't think I was going to survive this I wanted to live out my life get married have a couple of kids maybe even grandkids if I was lucky to live long enough but no I was shot and slowly dying a slow and painful death as I laid there I slowly fade into unconsciousness  everything was going black but before it did I felt something come over me as if I was being picked up by the spirit horse or something but I didn't know what it was little did I know that it was going to be the love of my life saving me from a slow miserable and painful death it took three days for me to come out what had appeared to be some sort of a coma when I woke up I'll have to admit I didn't know where the hell I was I tried to sit up but the pain oh my god the pain hurt so badly that I couldn't stand it I almost wanted to scream in agony I folded the covers back from my body and looked down and saw that my injury had been tended to there was a white bandage over it I looked around trying to make sense of my surroundings

Where the hell am'I? I asked myself trying to figure out where I was

Suddenly a woman came into the room she was medium height had long dark brown hair and blue eyes I had to admit she was beautiful I stared at her for awhile she smiled softly at me

Glad to see you're awake "feeling any better? She asked

Where am'I and how long was I asleep? I asked  curiously while still staring at her

You're in Fort Sumner and you've been asleep for about three days to say the least she replied pouring some water into a glass

The woman walked over towards me handing me the glass of water I drank the water in one shot

Woe woe slow down you're going to make yourself sick doing that take easy she said trying not to laugh but I couldn't help myself I was thirsty and I was a little dehydrated

After I drank the water I looked at her with questions

Who are you and why did you save my life? I asked

Well my name is Jackie Hammack and I saw you lying on the ground and nobody was doing anything so I took it a upon myself to save your life Jackie said

But why don't you know who I'am I'm an outlaw nobody would want to save an outlaw "would they? I asked

Jackie chuckled she walked over towards me and smiled softly she sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me her eyes were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen in my life

Yes I know who you are you're Jose Chavez Y. Chavez you rode with Billy The Kid and you were a member of his gang as well as the Lincoln County Regulators and you took part in the Lincoln County War "am'I wrong? Jackie asked

I couldn't believe what I just heard she got everything about me right I sat there looking dumbfounded like an idiot more less but the nevertheless she knows who I'am I tried to get up out of bed but the pain shot through me like lighting hitting me Jackie laid me back down onto the bed and draped the covers over me I looked up at her and she looked down at me as if I was a small child or something

Why are you doing this? I asked curiously

Because you don't deserve to die like that you didn't do anything wrong I still believe that you still have goodness in you now get some rest she said finishing draping the covers over me

Oh come on I've already got three days rest "how much more rest do I need? I asked sounding like a child whining about something

At least until your wound heals up Jackie said

Oh alright I'll get some more rest I said in a defeated tone of voice I laid my head down on the pillow as I looked at her giving in

Thank you Chavez Jackie said kissing my forehead then walking out of the room and from day on she was going to spend the rest of her life with me me Jose Chavez Y. Chavez an outlaw was going to be spending the rest of my life with young beautiful girl

Okay here's the first chapter I hope you love it Jackie I did my best and hope everyone else who reads it loves it to I worked so hard let me know what you all think of it especially my good friend Jackie hammack bye now

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