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FOUR words were spoken on the other line and the minute he heard them, Hoseok didn't even doubt his sister. It all made sense, now. Everything did.

"How did you know?" He asked her, still on the phone.

"Details," she simply said. "It's always the details."

Hoseok gazed at the clock. It had been five minutes since Taehyung left Yerim alone in the cell.

"Now, listen," Wheein said urgently. "I have a feeling that Yerim might commit suicide. Has anyone delivered anything to her, or made two trips to the prison?"

Hoseok's throat went bone dry.

"Oh God," he exclaimed and ended the call.


Hoseok clenched his jaw as he stared at Kim Yerim, who was livid. She screamed:

"What do you want from me? Both of you!"

"Don't do it," he said. "It's not worth it."

"So, trying to break free from my misery is not worth it?" She whispered, boiling with rage.

Hoseok knew he was losing precious time.

"Call Seokjin and tell him to get his best lawyer as well as himself to the station. Now," Hoseok commanded.

Yerim crossed her arms, staring at the fisted palm of the Inspector. The same palm that contained the very pills she wanted to end her life with.

"And why should I have any reason to listen to you?"

Hoseok took a deep breath to calm himself. "I have no time for this conversation. You will do this because it's your last chance to prove your innocence, Kim Yerim."


The sky was a cloudless one that day and the sun had just begun to set. Devoid of any white, the blue canvas began to melt away and unveil a fiery red inside. It was as if it had absorbed every shade on the palette and made it into something cohesive. From the burning red hues it transformed into the prettiest pink, with little blots of orange here and there. Soon, it began to change colors again and now boasted of a diplomatic violet. When the galaxies began to seep in, the unending vault of the heavens rested into the deepest blue.

And underneath it all, the puppeteer of Park Jimin was arrested by the Jung siblings.


"You have many questions," Wheein said, as midnight began to spread her petals into the day. "I will answer them all once I'm done explaining."

Hoseok patted her on the back. "You did well. I was a fool to not listen to you before."

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