Chapter 1: I'll Never fall In Love Again.

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"PLEASE STOP" Angel yelled he was terrified 'this always happens to you why don't you give up loves pointless if it keeps treating you like this' a little voice in Angel's mind said, at that realization Angel had enough, if his love life was going to treat him like this, he might as well not have one at all, he blocked his boyfriends attack and kicked him in the gut, making him pass out, as soon as he did that he packed his things, left a break up note, left and blocked is now ex's number "I'm never falling in love again, it's not worth the pain", Angel said to himself.

Present day.

Angel's P.O.V
I found myself in another one of Vaggie's rants of how I could ruin the hotels reputation and as always its a snoresfest, so I acted the way I always act big deal "your credibility what are the hotels you're a little stunt made us look like a fucking joke" she yelled I quip back with, " no no no babe jokes are funny I made you look sad and pathetic like an orphan with no arms or legs oh with progeria" that actually got me bummed I love kids why did I say that I thought mentally face-palming myself then I said," great now I'm bummed thinking about it this thing got any liquor," after I ended up looking around for liquor Vaggie then said, " could you try taking this seriously for once" I responded with, " ok I'll try, just don't get your taco in a twist baby" she angrily responded with," was that you trying to be sexist or racist?" I said disinterested in the conversation now," whatever pisses you off more, is there seriously no liquor in here" Vaggie looked like she was going to strangle me but honestly I could care less.

At the hotel.

Alastor's P.O.V
I walk up to this happy hotel of the Princess's, seems like she needs help after that magnificent display, I knock on the door in an old timey fashion and I was greeted with a scare princess,"hel-" I started but I was immediately cut off, with a door slammed in face but it opened again "-lo, " I finished then I found the door slammed in my face again, rude, I decided to wait, as I was waiting however, I heard the commotion coming from inside, someone doesn't like me, then the door opened again and I asked the princess " may I speak now" she replied with "you may" I went off introducing myself rather extravagantly " Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you sweetheart! quite a pleasure! excuse my sudden visit but I saw your Fiasco on the picture show and I just couldn't resist! what a performance! I haven't been that entertained  since the stock market Crash of 1929, " I said with a laugh, " so many orphans" I finished but then I was greeted with a spear, really, " stop. right. there." the one holding the spear, said she said something in a language I didn't understand, then spoke to me," I know your game, and I'm not going to let you hurt anyone here, you pompous, cheesy, talk show, shitlord!" she told me as if trying to be threatening I gave a chuckle and said " dear if I wanted to hurt anyone here I would have done so already" after I said that I gave my scary face but shook it off and said," no I'm here because I want to help".


Vaggie's P. O. V
I can't believe Charlie is actually letting this guy help, though while I was busy fuming Angel ask " what's the deal with smiles over there?" I look at him surprised " wait you've never heard of him before? you been here longer than me?" I asked he just shrugged I continued " the radio demon one of the most powerful beings hell has ever seen?" angel then said," eh not big on politics", I groaned then I said " decades ego alastor manifested in hell seemingly overnight, he began to topple overlords who had been dominant for centuries, that kind of raw power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before, then he broadcaster his carnage all throughout hell just so everyone could Witness his ability, sinners started calling him the radio demon as lazy as that is, many have speculated what imaginable force enabled him to rival our world's most ancient and destructive evils, but one things for sure he's an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery, and a violent monster of chaos, the likes of which we can't risk getting involved with, unless we want to end up erased," after I was done all angel had to say was " ya done" then he laughed and said "he looks like a strawberry pimp", I was fuming again "I'm gonna go talk to him" he said getting up and walked to alastor and Charlie.

Charlie's P. O. V

I noticed Angel coming up toward alastor and I, so I thought I'd greet him,"hey Angel, what are you doing here? " I asked him,"oh I was coming to greet our guest." he answered.

No one's P. O. V

"Oh really?! That's very unusual for you?" Charlie asked angel sniped back with, " don't get used to it." "OK! OK!" Charlie said putting her hands up, Angel turned to face alastor to say hello in his usual Angel way but instead when saw the Radio demon's face he was speechless 'he's so hot. Wait... No! I can't think this! I am not falling in love again!' he thought furiously he swore off love, clearing his throat he said "hello I am Angel Dust, I've heard about you from Vaggie, but I don't think your that scary," Alastor just looked at him stunned, " you really think that," he asked blushing slightly smiling, "uh yea, you definitely don't seem to be what people make you out to be your actually one of the most politest people I've ever met," Angel answered a little nervous, Al ended up smiling even brighter and more genuine, it was the most innocent thing Angel ever saw,"thank you so much your so sweet Angel," alastor said happily which made Angel blush "your welcome Al," was all he said.

To Be Continued.

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