Narry - His Sweater

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A One Direction bromance one-shot by abiggerinfinity: request by Nialls_Virgo

Narry — His Sweater

Harry’s P.O.V

                I groaned as I stretched my arms out and felt my stiff back loosen up a bit as my arms extended over my head. It wasn’t too early in the morning, but early enough that I still felt a bit of drowsiness in my eyes and my body protested at my rising and screamed to go back to sleep.

                But I’d learned my lesson the hard way. It was better off to feel tired and a little short on sleep for an hour or so, than to oversleep and feel lethargic all day.

                So with that, I felt the cold air cascade over my mostly bare legs as I peeled the covers off and stared at my window. Normally Louis would be here to wake me up, but he spent the night at Eleanor’s… again. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair —the wild mess of curls that girls somehow found attractive. But then again… it wasn’t just girls I was interested in.

                I caught sight of the light flittering in through the cracks in the curtains and got up off the bed, my bare feet hitting the ground and my shallow early morning breathing picking up pace. Yes… I was all alone again in this big old flat of ours, which had really become mine as of late seeing how Louis was hardly ever here and the boys rarely stopped in.

                See, when we first started One Direction and moved into our flats, we were constantly together and going places and doing things, always by each others’ sides. At that point, I was just enjoying the single life, living it up. Taking girls home and watching them leave out the door the next morning.

                But lately, we’d had a little break from concerts, recordings, signings and interviews. So while that freedom had been good while it lasted, it was safe to say it was over for now. I think every guy will agree to that, that it’s great being single and having freedom. But ask any guy, and he’ll also say that there comes a point in every guy’s life where he finally wants to settle down.

                 I always used to talk it up and say I was happy being a player for as long as possible… but sitting her alone, in my big empty flat, makes me realize that maybe it’s time I did settle down. Maybe it’s time to find someone to hold in my arms, to call mine and to be happy with.

                The question is… who? I mean, I know plenty of girls who’d be more than willing to go out with me… and guys —let me just clear this up; yes, I Harry Styles am bisexual, and the lads all knew and didn’t care about it—but I can’t help but feel that none of them are the one for me.

                From what the lads have told me, the trick is not to look… you’ll know when you’ll know, you’ve just got to let it happen. But I think that’s a load of bull shit. I’m tired of waiting; I’m tired of being alone. Liam always said that Danielle and he were great friends, and he didn’t realize that he fancied her until she was waving it right in his face. Zayn made a similar point; that sometimes what you’re looking for is right in front of you, and you just need to open your eyes.

                But my eyes are wide open, and all I see is a bloody empty flat. I sighed, feeling moody and down all of a sudden and opened my closet. I pulled on a pair of dark grey chinos after pulling on a new pair of boxer shorts and looked around for a top to wear.

                Bored with all of my usual choices, I began randomly pulling through drawers and shrugging things off. Suddenly my eyes settled on a light grey faded jumper while rifling through one of my drawers and my eyes widened. Without a second thought, I pulled it on and snuggled into it… the barely there scent of cologne and the fresh laundry scent still wrapped up into it. It was perfect. I smiled.

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