One Direction One-Shots Bromance Edition

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A One Direction bromance one-shot by abiggerinfinity: request by Alivia_Starr

Niam – The Slip


Niall’s P.O.V


I’m normally pretty good with interviews. I can hold my attention, I can answer some questions, and for the most part I can remember not to swear or be extremely distracting… minus the occasional outburst of my snorting mad-man laughter.

                But other than that, I’m good.

                However, this interview? Well, to put it lightly… I was so hungry I would probably rip my own balls off and eat them, I was so bored that Louis’s shoelaces looked like snakes of magical wonder, and I was so sick and tired of everything that I just wanted to walk off stage and do something else far far away for a while.

                But no, I’m Niall Horan. I’m Niall Horan, and I’m Irish. I’m Irish and I’m in a world famous band and I have responsibilities. Responsibilities to my fans and my band mates —who are also my best mates —responsibilities that pay for my clothes and my flat and my car, responsibilities that drive me crazy because I just want to be stupid sometimes. Also, Liam is watching... and being responsible is very important to Liam.

                And well… let’s just say that Liam is very important to me.

                Not that the other lads aren't important to me... it's just that Liam is very important to me in a different sort of way.

Who am I kidding? What I mean to say is that I've fancied Liam since the day we were put together as a group on X-Factor. I accepted it fancied him about a year ago, and I've come to realize that I've been completely and utterly in love with my best mate for about two months now.

And while this is all fine and dandy, I'd like to point out that Liam has a girlfriend. A very beautiful, very talented dancer of a girlfriend, who everyone in the world happens to know he is very much in love with. Hell, even I think Ken and Barbie here should get married... it would be too much of a crime to throw away such a perfect relationship anyway.

One Direction One-Shots Bromance EditionWhere stories live. Discover now